請問如何使用Visual C++2008 開啟Dll 檔案?

2008-07-07 7:05 pm
請問如何使用Visual C++2008 開啟Dll 檔案?


我試用過Visual Basic 2008,Visual C#2008 同樣也開不到... 這是一個遊戲的dll 檔...

回答 (1)

2008-07-07 10:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Because some of the DLL is written by Basic or VB or VB.Net or C or C.Net or Dev C++ or Boo or Python or C#......You can see,there is a lot of kinds of Application Build,I think that DLL is made of BASIC......So the Visual C++2008 said:「無法用選取的編輯器開啟檔案,請選擇另一個編輯器」,that means you must use other builder to open the DLL that on your computer,like Visual Basic 2008,Visual J# 2005(Java)(Sun),Visual C#2008......
I like C++ very much!But I know how to make a VB Programme.
You can find some information is Google too!
參考: Myself!

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