Poly U investment science 係 top up degree or local degree???

2008-07-07 9:49 am
Poly U investment science 算係 top up degree or local degree???

coz this program is UGC funded degree and is organized by polyu itself.....

You can see the web site:



Plz answer me!!!thx!!!

回答 (1)

2008-07-09 7:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
對,這個課程是 top up degree ,因為入學要求係︰
An Associate Degree/Higher Diploma in Mathematics, Statistics, Science, Business or Engineering, or the equivalent.

然而,個課程是 polyu 自己offer的,所以你話佢係local degree也冇錯。

另外,既然係polyu 自己offer的,又是ugc 的課程,咁政府一定承認!

學費HK$42,100一年,抵讀,如果你既學歷達到佢既要求,而你又有興趣的話,就快 d 報名。

我估有好多人爭住入呢個 course~~~~

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