Does stress cause dizziness always?

2008-07-07 6:52 am
i had a dizziness for about 3 month by now. the dizziness is really bad, i cant concentrate & its pretty much ruined my life. i really hope it goes away.

回答 (4)

2008-07-07 7:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Try not to stress out but you need to worry about this one, Kev.

.... Paging doctor House ....

I enjoy 'extreme' generalized anxiety disorder, Not some thing I like to share much, (You could tell if you met me anyways). A panic attack is much more than Dizziness, It can also be very painful in your chest. And chronic dizziness isn't usually a symptom of stress. Unless you are literally having continual Hyper-ventilation attacks. Anemia, dehydration, A hearing problem or some thing worse is your problem.
2008-07-07 7:47 am
stress can cause dizziness but not the only reason..You may have an inner ear infection which can make you extremely dizzy..

3 months is way to long so hope you see a Dr asap..

My best wishes,have dizzy spells too
2008-07-07 7:26 am
I know that stress can really do a number on you. I was physically sick because of a stressfull time in my life & it was no fun. I would say that after 3 months that there must be another reason. Possible injury or a number of things. Go see a Dr. You might want to check out the WebMd website to help you get started.
2008-07-07 6:57 am
is it really from stress and were you told this by your doctor? If not you need to make an appointment and speak with him/her about this because it could be more then just stress...

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