am i in trouble or not?

2008-07-07 5:42 am
Hello eveyone,
I am a 30 something yo man who is just burnt out on life. I have grown to become everone elses keeper I take care of my disabled mother and disfunctional brother as well as work full time 60 plus hrs wk.

lately i have been very depessed, i have had thoughts of giving up on life. just tonight on the way home i found myself thinking about ramming my truck into a big oak tree i pass everyday.

I guess my question is is it normal to have thoughts like this sometimes? or is something wrong with me?

回答 (13)

2008-07-07 5:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
I was just thinking something like that today. It is normal. I start with, how do I get out of this mess, then realize threres no way out, then realize if I off myself or leave someone I love will be left helpless. The difference is, one person who needs me is a child. Face it, if you would consider killing yourself, the result would be you are gone. So is the money, and care you provide them. This leaves room for negotiation. If you take some vacations, get a time share, try some on line dating or hire yourself a hooker. They are still better off then with you dead. When the giver doesn't take care of themselves, threes nothing left to give. Whenever I do something like this it is so hard to walk back through the front door to my hell, but I am refreshed and looking forward to the next break. Just in case you are thinking they will get your life insurance, no way with a suicide. try a little tough love with the dysfunctional brother.
2008-07-07 1:00 pm
This is completely normal. you are over worked. perhaps try to find someone that can be a caretaker for your family memebers, while u continue with your work. working 60 hours a week is stressfull enough. i congrat u that you have the ability to do what you do though. dont give up on life, its normal to feel like you want to though when u have that much weighing you on your shoulders.
2008-07-07 12:55 pm
Umm...a little bit of both. Many people do have thoughts of literally crashing and ending it all. However, when you are competent enough to realize this thought and even post a question, there's hope for you, buddy! Seek counseling. You are under a LOT of pressure. Just like a wife/mother, you have major responsibility, and have put ALL ur time into other ppl and not urself, and now ur thinking: "I'm 30 and this is all I have?" Am I right?
Do you have other siblings or aunt/uncles who can help? Perhaps you could tap into some gov't funding (i know...) to hire someone to help care for them, so you can get out and be 30.
I dunno. Just don't end your life, b/c you sound as if you have a lot of passion and care for others.
Advice is to find someone (professional) to talk to and get help with your responsibilities.
Also, seeking God wouldn't hurt, either :)
2008-07-07 12:53 pm
I think it's totally normal to have those thoughts, especially given the stress you are under.

Perhaps it is time to sit everyone down and tell them that you are not their keeper. You are not obligated to take care of anyone but you. Tell them all to either cooperate and lighten your load or get the F out of your house. The more you do, the more they expect.

Keep that truck on the road!!!! Change your life, don't give up on it.
2008-07-07 12:51 pm
I don't know if I can answer you helpfully, but it's nice to hear a kindred soul. I used to have just me to worry about . Know I have boyfriend with cancer and son with sever alcoholism and find myselft just waiting there next crisis .. Afriad to start anything on my own in case they have problem and have to drop whatever I am doing . Sorry for you predictament. If you'd like a buddy to just vent , i would too. Maybe we could find a way to find time for stuff we like by brainstroming together my email is [email protected] if interested
參考: Life and the unexpected.
2008-07-07 3:33 pm
Is it normal? Yes.

Is it a (potentially life-threatening) disease? Yes.

It is important that you get urgent medical care for this disease. Go the closest emergency department.
2008-07-07 1:23 pm
It sounds like you are overwhelmed with the stresses in your life. Everyone needs to take time just for themself. It doesn't sound like there is any time for you to do that, though. Nor energy to do it with. Nor has there been for some time...

So, I recommend that you see what suggestions are in the following wisdom-packed articles which you can apply to your situation/s, in order to improve matters:

You *Can* Find Help!
- Facing Underlying Problems
- - Talk to Somebody
- - - Finding Needed Help
- - - -Your Life *Is* Important to Others!

Caregiving--Meeting the Challenge :
- The Challenge of Caregiving
- How to Deal With Feelings
*> Caring for the Caregiver--How *Others* Can Help

- The Silent Killer
- The "Slow Poison"
Good vs Bad Stress
Stress Can Be Managed!

You *Can* Fight Pessimism! (:

How Precious Is *Your* Life *Is*! (;

Where *You* Can Find *Real* Hope! (:

*> I suggest printing this one out, & asking certain others that you give it to,
to help you in specific ways. Or, at least ask them to read it!
2008-07-07 1:15 pm
It is not normal to have thoughts like that it is call suicide dont think about that stuff u do have problemstry thinking happy go to a movie or something just dont think of running into a tree
2008-07-07 12:55 pm
I have these feelings every day. Exactly as you said - thoughts of driving my car into a tree. I'm not exactly a picture of "normal" but i'm sure the feelings are common. People just feel down in the dumps and have thoughts like those sometimes. You'll be alright. =)
2008-07-07 12:51 pm
u need to hire some help for ur family memebers see a shrink and go on a vacation u deserve it and ending ur life wont solve anything but create more problems
2008-07-07 12:51 pm
dont do that, there is many ppl out there suffering the same even myself. if i can, why cant u?
2008-07-07 12:51 pm
You'll be fine,if you drop some of your baggage.
2008-07-07 12:50 pm
Of course it's normal. You need to free yourself of all that is making you unhappy. Life is too short.

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