English文法 一些問題....請幫幫我

2008-07-07 6:46 am
challenge <----這個形容詞

A parachuting is the most challenging sport for me.
B we think bungee-jumping is challenging sport of all.
C joe thinks scuba-diving is more challenging than wind-surfing.

a,c 係正確......點解b唔正確

回答 (3)

2008-07-07 10:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
No need to make this question so complicated. It is just a problem of comparative and superlative.

Adjective / Adverb Comparative Superlative
Beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
Quick quicker quickest

So when you are comparing 2 things or persons, you use comparative.
When you are comparing more than 2 things or persons, you use superlative.
And this is the reason why sentence B is wrong, because you should use a superlative – most challenging because you are comparing more than 2 sports, you are comparing with ALL sports.
參考: Myself
2008-07-07 7:29 am
呢個問題同句意無關,三種運動都可以 challenging。
1.成為句子中 subject o既 complement,如:
I am happy. 句子中有 object,happy 就係 subject complement,用 verb to be 帶出。你o既問題中,A 同 C 都係呢個情況。
He is a naughty boy. 留意,名詞本身有 article(冠詞,即係 a / an / the),加o左形容詞,冠詞唔會無o左。
B o個句之中,"we think bungee-jumping is challenging sport of all" 就係冇左個冠詞,而因為句子有 "of all",即係其實係將 bungee jumping 同其他運動比較,其中以佢最為有挑戰性,所以要用比較級中最高級o既 the most。
如果要改正呢句,就要寫成:"we think bungee-jumping is the most challenging sport of all"
2008-07-07 7:11 am
We think bungee-jumping is the most challenging sport of all.
It means among all the different kinds of sport, bungee-jumping is the most challenging.

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