I'll put the Regis on the Nickle.點解?

2008-07-07 5:08 am
我睇david letterman 既show,聽到I'll put the Reigs on the Nickle.呢句野..點解呢??
仲有呢句:7. If you bring a gator to the White House, I'll wrassle it.

回答 (1)

2008-07-07 5:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
nickel 係美國五仙硬幣o既俗稱,將 Regis 放係呢個 nickel 上,即係將個銀上o既人頭(應該係前總統 thomas jefferson?)換左佢,變成呢個叫 Regis o既人。但係呢個 Regis 係邊個我就唔知啦。
gator 係短吻鱷(alligator)o既俗稱,florida o個d沼澤應該都有;成句意思係:如果你帶條短吻鱷去白宮,我會同佢搏鬥(wrestle)。 上得 david letterman 個 show,都係講笑架啦~

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