may i ask if that the followings can be taken into Australia

2008-07-07 4:19 am
1. packed dried Mangosteen tee
2. packed dried 花旗蔘蜜

回答 (3)

2008-07-08 2:50 am
照我所知,蜜糖是不可帶入澳洲境的!花旗蔘亦很有問題!不曉得packed dried 花旗蔘蜜到底是怎樣的物品,你想清楚才好帶,帶了記得老實的填申報表,申報了,最多會充公,而不會罰款兼留案底的

2008-07-07 9:40 am
如果以上的東西是現成包裝產品, 有英文成份標籤和出產地等資料通常都可以。 但最終要看海關讓你過還是充公。千萬要記得報關, 否則要坐牢。 其實你要帶的在澳洲也不難找 (除非你去Outback), 所以最好還是避免帶吃的了。
2008-07-07 5:53 am
1) is this tea leaf? if it's nice and dry and NO FLAKES, then yes.
2) if no flakes, yes.
Dried products need to look dry (of course), no little bits of flakes (they think flaking might be due to insects), and of course, no fresh food, fruit, insects (live or dead), meat or milk products allowed in Australia. No plants or products from fresh plants (dried is ok).

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