Nominee and Trustee

2008-07-06 10:14 pm
我想問 nominee 同 trustee 既分別??

假設我唔想我個名出現係董事/股東冊度,我搵一個黎做....但我仍係 beneficial owner, what documents should I prepare?

咁我搵人黎做o個個叫做 nominee 定 trustee??

Thanks a lot for your help!!

Thanks a lot for your help in this regard. I have a better udnerstanding now. However, May I ask what is the purpose of signing instrument of transfer? Not only there is shares transfer where the instrument of trnasfer needs to be signed by both sides? Please advise. Thank you.

回答 (2)

2008-07-07 6:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
You nominate a person to act on your behalf, this person is then called nominee. This nominee may act on a single event, short time or long time. If you nominee a person to act as a director or a shareholder on your behalf, we normally called it a nominee director but a trustee for the shareholding. The trustee has the interest of value and act for you for your best interest. A nominee shareholder (Trustee) is holding the shares on your behalf; the trustee has no interest on the shares or any accrued benefit vetted on the shares. He is holding the shares in trust of the beneficiary. In this case, a trust deed has to be made signed by each party defining the right and obligations of the beneficiary and the trustee. To safeguard the interest of its shares, a blank instrument of transfer is normally prepared and signed by the trustee and be vetted to the beneficial owner.
2008-08-29 8:22 pm
If the beneficial owner wishes to have the shares transferred back to his names, what documentation he should prepare and sign?? Does the company need to prepare board resolution as well??

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