翻譯 + 少少grammar....唔該晒=3=

2008-07-06 11:24 am
It is tempting for every generation to look askance at younger people and reflect that things just aren't what they used to be. in the case of Hong Kong's children, there is very real cause for concern, however.


另外...however o係上面果句既用法係想點?? thx!!!

回答 (1)

2008-07-06 4:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(呢個譯本係意譯為主,如 things just aren't what they used to be 中o既 things 真係好難知道係乜,只有從前後兩句之中搵端倪)
cause 作動詞冇乜特別要注意,解原因時接 of ,解理由時接 for(如你個句)。
however 想點?冇喎,咪「但係」咁解之嘛。不過咁,呢個字可以放o係句子前/中/後,總之用 comma 將佢同句子其他部份分開就得。如:
However, he would not want to go.
He, however, would not want to go.
He would not want to go, however.

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