What is feeling light headed and dizzy a symptom of?

2008-07-06 5:34 am
I have been feeling extremely light headed and dizzy for 3 month now and I've no clue why even though my Doctor. Could this be assosciated with something serious? Ive done blood & urine check, MRI brain scan, heart scan, treadmill exercise,
eyes & ears test. No sign of virtigo & everthing was fine. Please share your information with me if anyone of you out there have the same. im only 30...

Thank you!

回答 (1)

2008-07-06 5:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
I get light headed and dizzy if I haven't eatten for a long time, even though I don't feel hungry. After I eat something the symptoms go away. I get to the point, that I have to either hold on to something, or sit down. I think my problem has to do with low blood sugar ( from not eatting). Has your doctor suggested you keep a journal and write whatever you were doing, eatting - not eatting etc - when you have symptoms? It might help. I had to do that when I kept getting hives - my doctor could not figure out what was causing them. Found out later that it was a chemical that my friend's mother was using in her pool!
Good luck

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