Why does no one answer my questions?

2008-07-05 9:09 pm
No one answered any of my questions.
i asked about how to download music from walmart.com.
I also asked whats your favorite color and was trieing to set a yahoo answers record with a ton of answers (that question was reported..)
why will no one answer my questions :(

star if you have ever beed reported for NO REASON!!!!

回答 (46)

2008-07-05 9:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
its cause dumass people like mrs.reporter clem are reporting good questions.

sorry to hear that, i dont get a lot of answer's on some of my q.s either.
2008-07-05 9:13 pm
i think people report questions for stupid reasons. Honest to god is that all you people do??? do you have no lives at all??? OMG THERES A QUESTION THERE I HAVE TO REPORT IT FOR THE SAKE OF THE UNIVERSE!!!...really...

Anyway to answer your questions, there are times when people just overlook them, or don't know. It happens to me too. Don't worry just keep trying
2008-07-05 9:13 pm
now people are!
2008-07-05 9:13 pm
Don't listen to clem he's a jerk. My favorite color is Orange and I will anwer your questions if I know the answer if not I pass them sorry u had such a hard time.
2008-07-05 9:13 pm
No clue what that one girl's talking about this one being deleted, but most people only answer questions that sound interesting. If it's not a question they think they can answer well, or if they think it's a waste of time, no one will answer.
2008-07-05 9:13 pm
Make the questions interesting and make sure they don't violate the rules.
2008-07-05 9:13 pm
maybe youre trying too hard, or its just no one knows the answers, or your questions arent' interesting enough
2008-07-05 9:13 pm
i know i just put up and answer that i thought id get lot of answers. and... i didnt. im pretty dissapointed.
2008-07-05 9:13 pm
i don't know..

don't worry. i'm not gonna be like HER who reported you !
2008-07-05 9:12 pm
well maybe they are too hard to answer or people just dont want too answer your questions... well i answered your first question just rite now......
2008-07-05 9:12 pm
I'm sorry..sometimes I feel like that too!
2008-07-05 9:12 pm
I will answer =]
2008-07-05 9:12 pm
tell me about it....
2008-07-05 9:12 pm
I will! lol
2008-07-05 9:12 pm
maybe because of trolls, i'll answer your questions.
2008-07-05 9:11 pm
aww i sorrys. but maybe no1 knows ?
2008-07-05 9:12 pm
because no one knows the answer to it? why dont you call up walmart customer service
2008-07-05 9:12 pm
:( sorry. I have failed :'(
2008-07-05 9:22 pm
i will. i'll add you as a contact . =]
and i've been f***ing reported more than twice for no f***ing reasons..

it really sucks man
2008-07-05 9:18 pm
i really can understand you...
it happened to me too... and for two times=(
i don't know the reason why they didn't answer it but it was really disappointing, frustrating =(
2008-07-05 9:18 pm
Your contacts are not receiving notifications you asked questions.
2008-07-05 9:18 pm
someone sayd they reported me.... but i got no yahoo email saying it was reported.. so they were overtruned HAHAHAAH!
2008-07-05 9:17 pm
It's possible that people just didn't know the answer to your first question, or your title was interesting enough for people to open it up. My favorite colors are blue and green, I have no idea how to download music from walmart.com ( walmart evil! go with limewire :D ) and its stupid that your question was reported. But it does look like you got a lot of answers for this question! :)
2008-07-05 9:17 pm
awwwww...ill answer you questions!!

its just that sorry but i never saw these above questions!!

thx and have a good day :)!!~
2008-07-05 9:17 pm
you got 31 answers to this question! Now are you satisfied? remember that you are not the only one who does not get answers to her questions. Anyway, don't worry: endure!!!!
2008-07-05 9:17 pm
no one answers mine eitherand when they do and theres a lot of answers it gets deleted idk why
2008-07-05 9:17 pm
ill answr. hey look now u have like 30 answers. have fun picking out a best. lol
2008-07-05 9:16 pm
Fav color got reported?!?!
WTF over...

I dont know how to DL from Walmart
My fav color is Royal Blue

I think ppl need to relax a little on the reporting and trolling
2008-07-05 9:16 pm
well it looks like you got a lot of answers to this question! hahaha...
2008-07-05 9:16 pm
Perhaps no one knows how to do that.
Put your quest in internet & computers
2008-07-05 9:15 pm
it happens,always hit or miss on here,this one seems to be doing alright.all depends what time of day and who is on .
2008-07-05 9:15 pm
Maybe no one knew the answer to the walmart one, that's ridiculous that someone reported you for asking what peoples favourite colour was, god some people really are pathetic, id love to hear what they had to say if asked how your question violated community guidelines.
2008-07-05 9:15 pm
don't you have to go to a W/M to get a card to download from? How is that for answering a question? my favorite color is blue. and one of my answers got deleted from Y/A cause i answered 'Huh?'. go figger.
2008-07-05 9:14 pm
I will ~ can't understand why a favourite colour question would be reported....
2008-07-05 9:14 pm
Throw me as a contact and I will give them a look.
2008-07-05 9:14 pm
I think you have a naturally repulsive personality. Lol, jk. I think your internet might hate you or something. Try getting your computer exorcised... there might be a poltergeist living in it
2008-07-05 9:14 pm
well i'll answer u on this one hun :]
but i just joined like 20mins ago and non of mine have been answerd ether. so ur not alone!
2008-07-05 9:14 pm
cuz ppl are dumb lol
2008-07-05 9:13 pm
2008-07-05 9:13 pm
theyre dull.
2008-07-05 9:13 pm
Not sure,i didn't see any of your questions but maybe the people reporting you are butt heads!
2008-07-05 9:12 pm
maybe nobody knows the answer to your question or they think ur questions are boring, im sorry
2008-07-05 9:12 pm
maybe because no one likes your questions or they are to long and don't make any sense
2016-10-05 12:14 am
If the question is exciting adequate then my answer probable isn't the comparable as a great sort of the different solutions. If that's an common question that anybody can answer (and numerous different have already got with the main appropriate answer), then I in basic terms pass it via. Why subject? If that's an common question however the different solutions are incorrect, then i'm going to on occasion supply the main appropriate answer (and be voted down besides, oh properly). If that's a competent setup question then I prepare one-liners. If that's a dumb question I supply it the dumb answer it merits. If that's a intense question i attempt to offer a intense answer. each and every now and then i'm going to study the solutions and rip a variety of of of the different solutions. on occasion I in basic terms have relaxing with it.
2008-07-06 12:42 am
2008-07-05 9:18 pm
well thats too bad.

get over it.
maybe yahoo answers doent like you.

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