Are Prisons on the Stock market?

2008-07-05 4:26 pm
I was recently told that our Prison institutions had stock value.
I guess it should be obvious being that they provide a service.
However, do they have 'stock value' for lack of a better way of posing this question?

回答 (6)

2008-07-06 6:34 am
✔ 最佳答案

yes, they have a value like real estate. just think of them as hotels resorts paid for by the government.

business is looking good and with the economy in a downturn occupancy should be going up.
2016-10-07 12:07 pm
Herbert Hoover and Congressman Carter Glassmany, many others had tried to induce Calvin Coolidge to chill out the marketplace speculating. because of the fact the SEC hassle-loose historic previous brings up, there grew to become into severe use of margin (as in borrowing funds to purchase shares) and unfavorable information approximately companies. while congress reviewed the activities of and following the crash, the securities and exchange act (and enterprise) have been produced. So now there's a federal software to regulate the quantity of credit that would pass into inventory determining to purchase and promoting, alongside with rather some practices policies, and a clearinghouse of widely used business enterprise information.
2008-07-06 3:45 am
2008-07-05 7:29 pm
There are companies that contract to OPERATE prisons, but "prisons" per se are not on the stock market.
2008-07-05 4:35 pm
I know CXW runs prisons, but as far as investing in a particular prison, i'm not sure.
2008-07-05 4:46 pm
Corrections Corporation of America, Nashville TN

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