Arrange HBr,HI,HF,HCl in increasing order of acidic strengh.?

2008-07-05 3:25 pm

回答 (5)

2008-07-05 3:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
With increase in atomic size from F to I ,bond length of H----X
bond increases and so bond dissociation energy decreases.
Hence,ionisation of H---X increases,therefore acidic strength
increases in the order
HF < HCl < HBr < HI
2008-07-05 3:34 pm
HI (strongest), HBr, HCl, HF (weakest)

Acid strength depends on the readiness for it to dissociate in water.
Eqn: HX + H2O ---> X- + H3O+

They are all halogen halides (HX); hydrogen bonded to a halogen
As I is much bigger than F, the bond length of HI is longer than the bond length of HF. Thus, bond strength of HI is weaker and dissociates more readily.
2008-07-05 4:20 pm
with increase in atomic size from top to bottom the bond strenghth between H- ion and halogen decreases and with decrease of bond strength it is more easy to lose H-ion
hence the order is................HF<HCl<HBr<HI......
hope u got ur answer.............
2015-08-07 8:47 am
This Site Might Help You.

Arrange HBr,HI,HF,HCl in increasing order of acidic strengh.?
參考: arrange hbr hf hcl increasing order acidic strengh:
2016-03-19 7:04 pm
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2008-07-05 3:29 pm

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