For Anyone on Anti-depressants or Anti-anxiety Meds...????

2008-07-05 3:15 pm
1. What medication do you take and what is it for?

2. Has it helped? Would you reccommend it?

3. What side effects, if any, have you experienced?

Thanks for your time!

回答 (9)

2008-07-05 3:59 pm
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I take:

Cymbalta for depression. It helps alot and I can really tell when I run out. It also helps somewhat with pain and it kind of lifts your mood, although you should not expect to be floating around...its not great of a mood enhancer. The only side effect I have had is constipation and the package will tell you that that is a biggie.

Lexapro for depression and anxiety. Also happy with it. Keeps my anxiety under control. No side effects except at firs it made me sleepy so I just took it at night. After 2-4 weeks that stooped and I started taking it during the day

Klonipin for anxiety and sleep. Works well with controlling my anxiety and helps me sleep. Very happy with it. It is a narcotic so it is going to have the obvious side effects assciated with narcs. It does make you drowsy. It can affect your memory. It is habit forming, but not as bad as some of the others. it does not give you a high like xanax or a sense of well being.

Trazadone for depression and sleep. Main side effect is sleepiness. I take my dose at night along with my nightly dose of Klonipin and within 30 minutes I am like a light and it takes alot to wake me up. But I awake and 9 AM feeling great. The thing about this med is that you body gets use to it easily so you are having to constantly get your dose increased

Topamax to maintain my highs and attempt to keep my lows away. No side effects. In fact, it has some extra benefits. It is actually a medicine that is used for migranes so it keeps headaches away. Also it kills your appetite, so it can help you lose weight if you want to.

I tried Lamital and Seoquel. Did not like Lamitil because I could not see that it worked and it made me hungry all the time so it is history. I have to say though, it does work on alot of people. I did not like Seoquel because it made my personality flat. It was suppose to take my lows away but it took entire personality away and I just assume keep it tthank you so it is history

Every medicine is different for each individual. You need to talk to your Doctor and see what is right for you. It is trial and error. I can not tell you how many times we have tried something new for me to go back into the ofice to say nope do not like it and he haveing to write out something else. That is how you find what works for you. And it may not take one thing. You may have to experiment with more than one medicince, especially with a dual diagnosis. That is how we found what works for me

Another good web site is Web MD. But again, this and the web sites serve onlly as research to give you a beginning to talk to your doctor to start treatment or change treatment..whatever your case may be. And again, do not get aggravated when it is trial and error until you two get it right.

I am sorry. I do not feel comfortable actually recommending anything. I have told you how I feel about them from my perspective. You need to see your Dr. It is his place to reccomment or not
2016-05-16 3:20 pm
I have read some litterature about panic attacks. But they allways seem to have a more scientific approach and that is nothing I need in my struggle to survive those horrible panic attacks. This is a "hand on" and very practical book. I felt it was written to me. I am sure that you are going to feel the same.

Joe Barry writes exactly how I think. The examples are perfectly described. And the method is genius. I recommend this book and thanks Joe Barry for writing it. It changes your life
2008-07-05 5:12 pm
1. I take Lexapro for depression and anxiety

2. It has helped and yes I'd recommend it

3. The main side effect is dry mouth but that's about it for me.
2008-07-05 4:49 pm
I have been on Paxil and Buspar for 10 yrs. Yes, it has helped very much. The only side effect I have is being tired.

Most people take the Paxil at night because of the sleepiness. When I took the combination at night, after 2 hrs. of sleep I was up for the rest of the night. This is why I now take the two in the morning, and then just take a nap after breakfast.

Also, I only take the meds once a day.
2008-07-05 3:59 pm
1. Was on Lofepramine, but it was changed to Mirtazpine, both for depression.

2. No and No.

3. Weight gain, constant need to eat even though I wasn't hungry, addiction to self harming which wasn't there before taking tablets, interupted sleeping, constant drowsiness, feeling like I was in a haze, no motivation to do anything.(Same effects for both medications.)
2008-07-05 3:51 pm
i take Klonopin for my nerves and it does help, but very addicting and hard to come off.. i really wouldnt recommend it.. and if you did take it be careful and dont take it too long cause it is very habit forming.
2008-07-05 3:42 pm
I've been taking Paxil for about 6 years and it's been a life saver. I started it for anxiety and realized I suffered a bit from dreppression as well and paxil worked wonderfully for both.
Side effects? yes! I gained 30 pounds during the time on paxil and have terrible night sweats. Also, I'm not sure if my fatigue is cause by Paxil, but I feel like I need a nap every afternoon.
I'm quitting paxil now because I'm pregnant and I'm trying to get in shape and I'm having withdrawals. I'm dizzy, nauseous & moody.
Although it worked very well for my anxiety & depression, I'd recommend experimenting with other similar meds since there are so many difficult side effects associated with paxil. The weight is very difficult to lose while taking it and I hope I can lose it now. Good luck!
2008-07-05 3:32 pm
Ive been on them and cant really say I recommend them - Ive been on just about all of them...and the side effects (for the anti-depressants) may vary depending on your age, weight, and dosage. For women the anti-depressants seem to work but coming off of them is a bit of a task. I took myself off of the meds because it was causing other problems. Such as high blood pressure and mood related problems.

I cannot stress enough to try and find a way around getting on these types of medications - they are extremely unstable and can cause some strange changes in your body. I would have morbid dreams (another side-effect) every night while on a certain anti-depressant - making it hard to I would get drowsy during the day. One drug in example "Effexor" is a good drug, but supplies you with energy while upping your serotonin (spelling?) level - so you have energy without feeling super sleepy and drugged up. My eyes would be blood shot and I could feel the chemical going through my system like a cold stream. It made me grind my teeth, sweat alot, and made me eat like a mad-man...effexor would later go on to pressed with lawsuits because people taking it were developing diabetes.

I also got off of them (I was on them for 5 years) because I want to go into the military...and felt that this would indeed be a hinderance. I only stayed on them because it is so hard to get off....your head feel get moody...its the worst! Please explore other things - I highly recommend that you steer clear of any anti-depressant unless no other options exist.

Concerning anxiety...I know it's a pain - my anxiety would literally paralyze the point I couldnt move 2-3 feet without wanting to throw-up. The effexor helped...and later I would perscribed valium, name a "downer" on top of my anti-depressants. They are nice, but eventually you have to take so many because you get immune and grow dependent on them. I did not get dependent on them, but they are habbit forming. Bottom line, never addict your body to anything...especially a drug. Those medications mess with your brain chemistry...I remember being on Serequil (spelling?) and could not even tune my guitar literally made me "tone-deaf" while I was on it...and it slurred my speech really bad.

I guarantee you there is a better way at fixing your problems...have you tried saint johns wort? It's a GREAT serotonin enhancers...which naturally fixes your chemical inbalance causing your far as the anxiety...that make this stuff called "Stress-Ezze" which is sold over the works...and has hoodia in it which helps you lose weight.

Good Luck!
2008-07-05 3:31 pm
ive try Lexapro & Xanax in 2 days but stop, reason why is making me tired all the time.

now discontinue again with the Seroxat taken for only 3 days. it makes me more dizzy & nausea.

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