有關報 ielts 既問題 15pts

2008-07-06 2:27 am
我係中六生,想問問 ielts 既考試係幾耐之前開始報名?

同埋出年alevel,幾時考 ielts 會比較好??? thanks

回答 (2)

2008-07-06 7:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
你可以在 British Council 或 IDP 報名考 IELTS

British Council 在 2008 年的考期及其報名時段可以在這裏找到:

IELTS 成績有效期是兩年
幾時考最好, 就要看你自己的温習時間表了

2008-07-06 5:42 am
You must apply to a test centre to take an IELTS test prior to the test date.
Applications are made on an IELTS Application Form which you can send or take into a test centre, along with the test fee, two passport sized photographs, and a photocopy of your passport/national identity card. You will also need to include your passport number, or in some circumstances a national identity card number, on the application form – check with your test centre.
Once you have applied, the test centre will confirm your IELTS test date and time.
On the test day, make sure you bring the same evidence of identity as the number entered on the Application Form.

參考: Yahoo search

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:39:51
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