有人由美國寄美元支票給我, 我是否可將它存入香港銀行的綜合理財 (包括美元) 戶口 ? 要收很貴手續費嗎 ?

2008-07-05 10:09 pm
有人由美國寄美元支票給我, 我是否可將它存入香港銀行的綜合理財 (包括美元) 戶口 ? 要收很貴手續費嗎 ?

回答 (4)

2008-07-08 11:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, sometimes I sent the USD personal check to my HK family from my US banker. she can deposite into her HK$ or US$ bank a/c. certainly HK banker will collect around HK$200 service fee from you also u have to wait around a week to get your $. cos HK banker will send this cheque to US banker, then wait for the US banker to send the $ to HK banker, then u can collect the $.
in fact, u can ask the person to send u money order from US banker or transfer the $$ to u by paypal, it would be more safe and faster.
but be careful for the fake cheque, there are many cheat from Nigeria. hope this information can help you.
2009-01-21 11:15 pm


2008-07-06 4:03 am
2008-07-06 1:44 am

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