salary 和 wage 有甚麼分別?

2008-07-05 11:35 am
如題, salary 和 wage 兩者用法上有何分別?

回答 (3)

2008-07-05 11:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
一個人的月薪高低用low/high salary.
2008-07-05 5:30 pm
salary 和 wage 兩者用法上有何分別?
Normally measure salary by months and year and it is in long term, eg: $2500.00 per month or $25,000.00 per year
measure wage by hour and day and it is in short term, eg: $ $7 per hour, $50 per day
2008-07-05 11:45 am
Both is different salary is ur earnings and wage is how much money you get

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