
2008-07-05 10:51 am
1. 希望可以嘗試新的挑戰及有興趣健康產品推介

2. 我中五程度, 現時係XXX公司做收銀員, 主要係負責收錢同客戶溝
通, 服務客戶。我有良好的與客戶溝通的技巧, 待人親切。

3. 係XX報紙的廣告上見到呢個post (問題係:係邊度知道呢個post)

4. 你哋期望將你哋公司(係台灣)的健康食品和飲品推銷到香港, 希望
能請到一個對貴公司產品熟悉和有熱誠的人, 能協助貴公司儘快

5. 我有良好的溝通技巧, 有創意和有責任感, 良好的英語、廣東話和
普通話, 我一向注重健康所以對健康產品有一定的認識

6. 有時會太過完美主義 (你有咩弱項)

7. 我有良好的溝通技巧, 有創意和有責任感, 良好的英語、廣東話和
普通話, 我一向注重健康所以對健康產品有一定的認識, 運用我的
強項和技能將公司的產品很好的打入香港巿場 (問題係:公司點

8. 現時的工作讓我學到好多嘢, 但我希望嘗試不同的工作 (問題:點

9. 做每份工作, 我都會打算長做下去, 不會輕易考慮轉工, 只要我能夠
有發揮所長的機會。 這個並不是我控制的範圍, 不過我可以承諾,
我會盡心盡力, 做到最好。(問題:如果請你, 你會做幾耐)

10. 希望學習多D, ready做一些新的post (公司裏的) (問題係問:你認為

11. 運用我的強項和技能將公司的產品很好的打入香港巿場,同埋我
關係, 有助公司發展。 (問題係問:你對工作的貢獻)

12. 請問係工作上有多少同事為一組?


回答 (1)

2008-07-05 12:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. I wish to experience a new challenge and I am interested in promoting health products.

2. I have completed Form 5. I am now employed as a cashier by XXX Company, mainly responsible for receiving payments, communicating with customers and serving them. I am skilled at communicating with customers and I am a benevolent person.

3. I came across this post in XX newspaper.

4. Your wish is to promote your company's health food and drinks to Hong Kong, and you hope to be able to employ a person who is familiar with your company's product and passionate, who can help your company acquire a stake in the Hong Kong market.

5. I have good communication skills, is creative and responsible, equipped with good standards in English, Cantonese and Putonghua. Furthermore, I am very conscious of my health and hence have a certain level of knowledge in health products.

6. I am a perfectionist at times.

7. I have good communication skills, is creative and responsible, equipped with good standards in English, Cantonese and Putonghua. Furthermore, I am very conscious of my health and hence have a certain level of knowledge in health products.

8. My current job enables me to learn a lot but it is my wish to try out different jobs.

9. I plan to stay in each job for a long time and I will not easily consider a change in employment as long as I am given a chance to display my talents. This is beyond my control, but I hereby Pledge that I will do my very best.

10. I hope I can learn a lot more and become ready for new posts within the company after 5 years

11. I can put my strengths and skills to full use to secure a foothold in the Hong Kong market for your company. Moreover, I am optimistic, enthusiastic and passionate about work. I am also capable of building up a tacit understanding with my colleagues and help the company develop.

12. I would like to ask how many working staff will there be within a group?

U can ask about job prospects, working culture of the company and stuff

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