investment plan?

2008-07-05 1:36 am
What is the right sector to invest in during this inflation days?
Real Estate
Mutual Fond

回答 (8)

2008-07-05 2:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
There really is no 'right sector'. You need to assess your risk tolerance and set up a diversified asset allocation based on your risk tolerance.

Here's how:

Study after study has proved that peple trying to outguess the market end up losers.

One thing to hold if you are concerned about inflation is TIPS - inflation protected securities. But, of course, those are already priced high.

Just set up a good asset allocation and leave it alone until you are retired.
2008-07-06 2:55 pm
Do not go for real estate now as they are nosediving now.
Go in for commodities like Gold and Crude oil,.
2008-07-06 10:51 am
2008-07-05 11:00 am
Probably gold right now. Real estate is pretty concrete but I assume you are wanting to deal with renters. and alot of renters are just trashy people that can't pay their rent on time and crap and piss all over the walls. I'd stay out of mutual funds until sometime in 09
2008-07-05 9:22 am
the simplest thing to do is buy the dow or the s&p. over the long term, it's hard to beat the index. in fact, a lot of mutual funds shadow the index for the most part of their portfolios. so just buy an efficient mutual fund that tracks the index.
2008-07-05 12:32 pm
for long term ..15-20 years... real estate
mutual fund ...useless
gold ..for short covering.(emergency backup)..u can sold it in a single day
2008-07-05 8:45 am
Hedge funds are always good investments, as far as the inflation keeps going up, you can try forex by using euros (or any foreign currency stronger than the dollar) to get a high return.

Gold is too expensive, but if you have the money, why not? Almost $1,000 an ounce, it will keep going up, and you can sell it in the future when will be even more expensive (same thing with silver)

Invest in Google Inc. They had a revenue of over $16 Billion in 2007, and their stocks keep going up and up, buying some of their stocks could probably be a good investment in about 2-3 years :)
2008-07-05 8:40 am
Add currency, but a mixture. Decide on percentages.

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