Does stress, depression & anxiety can cause a human dizziness all day & night?

2008-07-04 8:16 am
i have been dizzy for more than 3 month. i've check everything like MRI brain scan, X ray, Heart scan, stomach endoscopy, blood & urine test, ENT no sign of vertigo & nothing wrong with all the result. finally doctor told me i got a stress! i cant believe it. does anyone feels dizzy when they have stress?


回答 (8)

2008-07-04 9:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yup. When I have anxiety, I constantly feel light-headed and out of breath. Once when I was severely depressed, I felt so ill that I was out of school for two weeks. Like you, doctors did every test imaginable and there was nothing wrong with me! Finally they asked me if I'd been depressed lately. When I said yes, they told me that might be why. And when I felt better, I didn't feel sick anymore.

Your body and your mind are linked. When one feels bad, so does the other. There's even a technical term for it: psychosomatic illness.
2008-07-04 8:28 am
I have your symptoms also, and yes, I have stress and anxiety also. I also have high blood pressure. So if you have not had your blood pressure checked. Then do so and go from there. Just remember, your doctor is a doctor for a reason, do what he/she says to do, if you do not like what they have to say, then it is always your right to get a second opinion. good luck
2017-03-05 6:33 pm
2016-05-17 7:12 pm
I have been suffering from post partum depression for the past one year when I gave birth to a baby boy. I couldn't stop thinking about how my husband loves him more than me and how things might be better if he wasn't born at all. Thus, I stayed away from him because I knew that I might do something I will regret for the rest of my life.

Almost instantly I went to a therapist and convince them that I need help. Among other things, I've tried herbal supplements and other book to treat depression but nothing works like the Depression Free Method. So now I'm proud to say I'm one of the happiest mother in the world. My husband loves us both very much and I thank the Lord for the blessing he gave us.

Depression Free Method?
2016-04-07 8:15 pm
This has happened to me before too. The past year has been especially stressful for me. I have something similar to what you have (I have General Anxiety Disorder and a slight case of depression along with OCD) When my stress/anxiety levels are high, I usually do not feel hungry when should. What I would do is make yourself eat a little something at a regular schedule. When I am nervous, I make sure I eat something 3 times a day, once between 7-8, once between 11-1 and once between 6-9. Talking to your doctor would help. Hope I did!
2008-07-04 11:41 am
a little
2008-07-04 8:52 am
You are really male? If you were female I would suggest that you see a neurologist for possible migraine condition. A GP will not be able to diagnosis that correctly, you need to see a neurologist.

If you have already seen a neurologist, and they say that it is stress. Yes stress, depression and anxiety can make you dizzy. Some people with Anxiety experience dizziness. The same neurochemicals that cause a problem for a person pron to migraine also plays a part in anxiety. I suggest that male or female that you see a neurologist. After that you can see a mental health professional who can teach you ways to relax and deal with stress. Good luck.
2008-07-04 8:24 am
No see another doctor.

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