請問management trainee 同 financial planner有咩唔同??

2008-07-05 3:06 am
請問management trainee 同 financial planner有咩唔同??


回答 (2)

2008-07-08 2:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
因為想多d人去見工or sell 求職者


management trainee

職責:通常負責幫經理手執頭執尾(其實有d公司既trainee係無分management trainee定係其他部門既trainee ,trainee既意思係睇下你做左一排(1-2年)你邊方面既skill好d就放你落去果個部門,所以開頭可能要幾個部門

financial planner


2008-07-08 06:14:56 補充:

有問題可以send mail比我睇下幫唔幫到你[email protected]
參考: 讀management,自己in過trainee&有朋友做緊trainee,而家任職financial planner
2008-07-05 4:22 am
Financial planner nomally helps investors to plan their investments in long term basis with professional knowledge minimizing the risk of loss by Accountants. Nowadays, most of the insurance companies employ insurance agent with that name. Of course, planning of one's insurance in future is, in a sense, more or less same as financial planner. But they will only sell their insurance plans instead of providing different means of investments. Such as property, bonds, funds, foreign currencies...... etc.

It is hard to define "management trainee" because "trainee" already means that you are not qualify to do anything alone. You have to be under training for a certain period of time. Management involves works in an business entity dealing with human relationship or internal control of the company. In broad sense, you have to work as an assistance to someone in the adminstration dept. That means you have to do all minor jobs that will be passed from your superior. Certainly salary will not be high.

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