relative clause

2008-07-05 12:15 am
relative clause中,

The book is mine.
Its cover is blue.

The book whose cover is blue is mine. <---Correct or not?


回答 (3)

2008-07-06 12:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
不太明的意思, 你的意思是否作形容詞(人的 / 死物的)

當(人)做possessive pronoun 用 whose
當(死物)做possessive pronoun 用 of which (即The XXX of which)

例子(人) 用whose
I love Mary, Her hair is long
I love Mary, whose hair is long

例子(死物) 用of which
死物做形容詞時,你不能寫the table’s leg 要寫 the leg of the table

I buy a table. The leg of the table is broken
I buy a table the leg of which is broken

The book (whose) cover is blue is mine. (WRONG)
book 係死物不能用whose 需用of which
The book the cover of which is blue is mine

順便講, 此句子不能 that 代替, that 只能代who(subject), whom(object) & which(subject / object) 但不能代whose 及 of which

2008-07-05 16:57:41 補充:
The book is mine.
The cover of the book is blue.

Relative Clause 便是
The book (the cover of which is blue) is mine.
2008-07-12 10:41 am
I can't totally agree with any of the answers because both have got flaws in their explanation. However, I agree with the part [Whose is a relative possessive word... It can refer back to people or things.], so I think answer 001 is better.
2008-07-05 1:41 am

驚你唔信,引用 Michael Swan o既 Practical English Usage (2005),p480
Whose is a relative possessive word... It can refer back to people or things.
例句:It was a meeting whose purpose I did not understand.
如果唔敢用,最簡單用 that 代替,冇死錯人

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