Mega Box - spot light 入面的衣車( 品牌brother ) 買唔買得過?

2008-07-05 12:06 am
今天看newspaper 見到brother 衣車有減價.$1400到.(我又好想要部喎)

回答 (7)

2008-07-05 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
The price is cheap but you must ask yourself - do you really need this? If you are a sewing/needle work lover, go and try to use it. Remember try it before you buy it. Brother is a Japanese brand but made it China. I had one many years ago. It was about HK$2000 and it is OK but not suitable for sewing thick clothing. It broke down for I used it to sew denium (jeans) for sometime then the I had to change the rubber band. It could be used but the moter is not quite good. I own several sewing machines: Jacquar (no longer sold in HK), Singer (manual), Brother and PFAFF. PFAFF is the best but the most expensive. Singer is the cheapest but it comes with stand therefore need more space) and it is quite OK.
Cheap is one consideration but practical usage is more important. Go and Try.
參考: my experience
2008-07-09 6:12 pm


話說今日會員有8折(ONLY 1 DAY)^_^不知包唔包買衣車及減價貨~
參考: 自己:)
2008-07-07 1:09 am
buy it la
i also bought it yesterday
i want to buy it very much
but the price was expensive
now very cheap
buy it la

2008-07-06 17:11:16 補充:
but now not available need waiting ~one month
but i paid $$ la and waiting one month
2008-07-05 9:52 am
Hi, 想買之前問一下自己是否真是會 - 去用它? - 會時常去用它? 有冇興趣, 心機 & 耐性去學& 做製作? 不要一時冲動,否則幾平的東西都是好貴如只買完就放下不去用。
參考: 自己心得
2008-07-05 4:39 am
我屋企有部brother衣車, 一年都用唔到一次, 雖然有用起上來都幾有用, 例如可以車下得意野咁, 但就阻咁一塊2尺地皮十幾年。
架衣車係二手, $600, 但塊地皮就貴啦。果塊地方, 成十幾年用來擺一舊一年用一次的東西, 但個個月都交緊租架!
我唔知你睇中架brother有幾大部, 如果係手提式的,細細部咪買來玩下囉。如果係必須要買的, 咁咪買囉。
無必要的話, 幾平都唔好買。
2008-07-05 3:27 am
brother 在衣車界幾十年,其出品唔差。
2008-07-05 1:58 am
你中意咪買laa 我係你我都會買

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