English translate to Chinese

2008-07-04 11:29 pm
d 料最遲要咩時間到才可以趕得及 7 月尾出貨呢

回答 (4)

2008-07-05 12:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
d 料咩時間到才可以趕得及 7 月尾出貨呢
When should the raw material be arrived latest to catch the shipment during end July ?
Seemed not quite reasonable or not understandable in your original Chinese text, above just translated from your wordings.
d料 = 原料 (即要有原料才可 on production開工?).
估計這句的原意是要對方答你: 一個日子?
例 - 答: We can catch the end July shipment if we can received the raw material on or before 15th July.
似乎很煩, 但只希望能答得準確.
參考: self
2008-07-05 1:49 am
d 料最遲要咩時間到才可以趕得及 7 月尾出貨呢
If we have to cope with the delivery date by the end of July, when must the material be received the latest?
2008-07-05 1:33 am
By when should the materials arrive in the latest to make the shipment in the end of July?
但見到呢邊o既答法後,覺得有必要都留個言。首先,寫得出「the d material most late wants baa the time to only then to be possible to have time in July the tail to produce goods」,咁只有完全唔識英文先會抄襲。
arrive 意為到達,呢個意思不可能成為 passive voice(被到達),只有「被運抵一個地方」先 make sense。
When should the raw material arrives latest to catch the shipment during end July ?
2008-07-05 12:29 am
the d material most late wants baa the time to only then to be possible to have time in July the tail to produce goods.
參考: me(絕不能抄襲)

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