English translate to Chinese

2008-07-04 11:26 pm
d 料最遲要咩時間到才可以趕得及 7 月尾出貨呢

回答 (4)

2008-07-05 1:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
When will all information be ready by latest, to match the delivery in end of July?
有d不倫不類,只睇前半句,用 will 表達唔到原文o既迫切。最少要改為:
When SHOULD/MUST all information be ready by latest...
「資料」:By when should the information be sent in the latest to make the shipment in the end of July?
「物料」:By when should the materials arrive in the latest to make the shipment in the end of July?
其實 By when 已經有「最遲、唔遲過乜野時間」之意,所以 in the latest 只作強調用。
2008-07-09 12:13 am
"when is the latest time for the information to arrive by the end of July?"
2008-07-08 11:41 pm
What will be the latest date for the materials to arrive in order to catch with the delivery (shipment) by the end of July?
2008-07-05 12:19 am
This is my suggestion for your reference.

「When will all information be ready by latest, to match the delivery in end of July? 」

Thank you.

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