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編號:2008070301 Reference no.: 2008070301
聲明書 Declaration
本人CINDY CHAN,持有菲律賓國家護照護照編號XX123456,茲憑高康慨先生(Ko Hon Koi)取得之外地雇傭配額,从而建立勞動關係。 I, CINDY CHAN, the holder of the Philipino Passport No. XX123456, have established labour-capital relationship with Mr. Ko Hon Koi (高康慨先生), through his helping me to gain the overseas domestic working quota.
本人聲明根據我外地雇傭配額之相關規定,已全數收取由高康慨先生(Ko Hon Koi)以現金的方式,Here I declare that I have completely received the total amount of payment from Mr. Ko Hon Koi, in the form of cash, which is abiding to the regulations of the overseas domestic working quota.
支付本人由入職之日至2008年 月 日為止之所有因建立勞動關係而生成或引發的款項,This cash amount is the value of events happened within our labour-capital relationship period, starting from the date of my employment to XXXX(month), 2008.
其中包括(但不限於)薪金、房屋津貼、超時工作報酬、假日自願工作補償、法定假期之工作補償及或有之職業意外補償等。The events include ( but not restricted to) salary and wages, housing allowance, overtime working wages, compansatory wages for volunteer working during holidays and legal labour holidays, and the compensation for job accidents (if any).
並同時聲明:本人放棄于該段期間(即由入職日至2008年 月 日)由此《合同》引起紛爭的請求及申訴權利。
And again, I further declare that I abandon the rights of legal request and sue arising from disputes against the working agreement within the peroid from the date of my employment to XXX(month), 2008.
聲名人右手食指指模: (Right thumb fingerprint of
Originator of declaration.
P.S. 用姆指的指模才是法定的
2008-07-05 15:32:03 補充:
我提議這種聲明信件最好有 signature of witness 和 signature of employer, 在 CINDY CHAN 的 fingerprint 隔鄰. 比較穩陣