
2008-07-04 7:55 pm
公司的所有法律文件, 如指明必須有 董事 及 公司秘書簽名~~

而該位董事除身為董事外, 亦身兼公司秘書~

他可否同時於文件的董事 及 公司秘書簽名欄上 都簽上名字?

即.. 文件上的2位簽署人都是同一人~

這樣可以嗎?? 合法嗎??

回答 (1)

2008-07-05 5:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
If the document is clearly spelled out that the said document should be signed by a director and the company secretary, a director, even also acting as the company secretary, could not sign on it. The director could only act himself in one capacity.
But, I think not all documents must be singed by a director and the company secretary. Sometimes, the doucments could be signed by 2 or 1 director(s) depneding on its nature. Please check with the requirement of the other party.

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