發神經既! 英文點講?

2008-07-04 5:53 pm
發神經既! 英文點講?

發神經既! 英文點講?

回答 (8)

2008-07-04 6:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
發神經既! 英文點講?

順次序, 即(1)語氣最重:
1) You must be insane !
2) You must be crazy !
3) Are you out of your mind !
4) There must be somthing wrong with you.
參考: Own
2008-07-05 6:53 pm

發神經既! 英文點講?
You are crazy.
You are out of your mind.
You brain went nut.
Crazy nut head.
Your brain got flushed.
2008-07-05 12:36 am

Go crazy!
參考: me(絕不能抄襲)
2008-07-04 10:13 pm
nut 要有 s
= nuts
you are being nuts.
(= behaving nuts)
2008-07-04 9:01 pm
You are crazy.
you are maniac.
you are nut.
you are insane.
you are lunatic.
you are daft.
you are demented.
you are deranged.
you are mad dog.

Hope that enough to you!
參考: myself
2008-07-04 6:06 pm
you are mad!
you are wild!
are you OK!
2008-07-04 6:03 pm
you are crazy
2008-07-04 5:58 pm
You're insane.

You're nut.

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