what can i do?does she really love me?

2008-07-04 4:51 pm
i got a girlfriend, i love her alot.. she love me too... and now is holiday, she went to australia to see old frds for two or three weeks. the first weeks was fine.. i in hong kong waiting for her. we call each other every day, miss other and stuff. but things change after one of her male friend told her tht he likes her. i duno why.. maybe cuz tht guy always hang out wif her friends, he always get to see her and start steal her from me. she start being very mean to me, alway argue wif me, say things hurts me. everytimes when the boy is wif her and her frds, i call her she wont talk to me much. is it reli bcuz the guy is there? orwt? but then when she get home, she will tell me on msn to call me.. but mostly i heard is stuff tht hurts me, things i dun wanna heard. lik how tht guy say, while watchin movie the guy sitin wif her, they hug as a frd. i was actally very angry when i heard they hug. but shes like well tht wts western people do. so live with it. since she said tht and yes its true i have nothing to say about and yes its true i have to live with it.... but theres still one other thing reli pissed me so damn off.. they held hands.. the guy started.. and how long.. 10 freaky mins.. then wt she said is she didnt thk for it. cuz lik they are ex couple. the guy said to her its feel lik b4 and thts y she didnt thk and jst keep held hands... i mean for real. will frds hug, well yes, but will frds held hands? NO SHIT! w
everytimes i ask do u still love me? she say yes. i can feel shes not lying

but still if u were me will u believe her? love me? yea i sure she love me when shes in hong kong, the first week. but now.. i reli dont no.. can u plz tell me? wt should i do?


should i leave her? or believe in her? wait her back to hong kong? cuz if shes back to hong kong the guy cant do anything.. and reli seriously her personality is not reli tht good well very bad.


sometimes shes very nice, loves and care me. but sometimes she can get angry at me very easily.. but still i love her. but for real.. im confuesed... plz help thx


i no its kinda long..but plz read them all b4 answer my question THX! cuz i reli tak it very serious thx again

回答 (3)

2008-07-04 6:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well, you should believe in her. I mean whenever there is another guy after a girl. The girl will automatically compare the guy with her bf. But of coz that doesn't mean that she likes him or anything. That's just human nature.

If I were you, I would just treat your gf the same way that you use to treat her. Maybe even better. Just show that you still loves her.

She get angry at you very easily probably becoz she is having fun in Aust, but you were there with her. Take it easy. They hold hands, well, as long as it's not yr gf who started it. I think it's okay. Just imagine, if yr female frd start to hold yr hand, would you throw her hand away immidiately or try to find a chance to use that hand. So that yr female frd won't have any hard feeling?

Tell you what, the nature of a girl, they don't like to change. Esp their relationship. (beside those playgirls) But you should know your gf better than me.

Lastly, a relationship won't last long without trust, if you don't trust her. Your relationship will fall apart easily. Believe in her is the only thing you can do, if you still love her. Btw, she doesn't even have to tell you all this, she tells you just becoz she wants you to trust her. And she believe that you would trust her.

Good luck.
2008-07-12 1:33 pm
here i am again trying to slove your delimma, i guess she does love you in a way but not quite decided that youre the one? perhaps you should, if you want to of course, do a little more!

think! if someone else makes her happier than you ever could, shouldnt you be pleased, as someone who loves her alot, to see her happy?

about her saying mean things to you? well, what did she say exactly and what did you say to her that she responded so?

as to arguing, it takes 2 to argue, so arent you yourself always arguing with her?

you said she says hurtful things but well she didnt just say them out of the blues? probably from one of those arguements? no?

look, she tells you all the time that she loves you and you know! that she cares about you, so in the end, its really up to you whether you want to persue the relationship(while you whine about her very bad personality!), and if yes, you do need to do alot more, and better! than anyone else who would try to win/steal her.

we, as outsiders, can at best give you a different perspective, if not necessarily objective, but its you in the end whos going to live through your decision(s), hope this helps!
2008-07-05 2:15 am
I think she want to test you . Boy , now listen , she is testing u and use this way to tell u that she have other chose without u ! So if I was u I will be just like usually . Or you can just tell her that u don't like this , tell her you can't lose her. Tell her what u feel.

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