
2008-07-04 8:46 am

回答 (2)

2008-07-04 9:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
My son has the same problem before, but after I only gave a bit to try, and I told him, he could split it out if he didn't like it.
Same as your baby, give her a little to try first. If she don't like it, tell her it is okay to split it out, Do not force her to swallow. Or you tastes it first and show her, then let her try too.
But if some foods that you have to take, just make small portion and add some of her favorite, like candies..just a little with it. For water, if she don't like it, just add apple juice, or pear juice then she will like it.
Be patient, help your baby to explore more foods and she may like it and then stop vomit out.
2008-07-04 9:55 am
嘔得密唔密, 如10餐有8餐都係, 就要少食多餐, 開少些奶, 餵密些餐數, 驚bb胃淺。同埋飲完唔好即掃同放低佢,要直坐15分鐘以上先掃一掃wind.落下格先.咁就唔會咁利害架啦!。你有冇試過防風奶樽?會唔好D呢?你試下換"+"字咀的奶咀飲奶.另外,你可以試下飲 "AR"奶粉(A+有) , 佢同一般奶粉一樣,但比較"傑" D .無須太擔心.我朋友試過一餐奶四安,要分三至四次餵,每次等他落左格,才再餵。可能食得太飽或有風.so就嘔得o甘勁,佢嘔得多,又辛苦,搞到連食都吾敢食,有可能系胃酸倒流,要食藥,慢慢o甘改善.我fd轉飲MeadJohnson 美贊臣AR(似A+,但杰身D)就無嘔奶!你可以試下.比A+難開D,要大力搖和開奶樽蓋數分鐘斗氣。同埋佢個b之前用N?K奶咀,黃色,次次飲完都嘔後來佢發現好多時奶咀頭都trap咗個氣泡,BB一飲奶就吸埋個氣泡落肚,所以好易吐奶 後來轉咗"企鵝"牌,情況大有改善 .醫生建議如bb嘔得嚴重就轉 AR, 但就較燥, 如你B易起粒粒, 就自己取捨.你亦可搵營養師教開杰奶試下.如果係初生嘔奶既次數係會密d 只要留意bb係吐奶 唔係噴奶出黎 嘔奶既情況會係bb再大個d改善 亦都要留意下係唔係bb食得太急 or 奶咀孔太大bb食唔切所以引致嘔奶

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