i cant sleep.is it a sleeping disorder?

2008-07-04 7:58 am
im 13 and every night since schools been out i've been going to bed at around 3:00 a.m. and waking up at 11:00 a.m.
No matter how hard i try i cant fall asleep.I turn off the lights,tv,music and everything like that.I have no worries about anything and i drink warm milk,take a shower and read before i go to bed to help my body be more relaxed. I lay in bed with my eyes closed for hours but i cant go to sleep.
how can i go to sleep?
do i have a sleeping disorder.

回答 (8)

2008-07-04 8:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am the same as you. Here are some tips that i use.

Listen to white music:
Peaceful and Calming music.

Focus on breathing in through your nose and out of your mouth, nothing else.

I know you already did it, but turn hot water on, then just sit with your head back in it.

Try sleep earlier each night until your liking.

Hopefully these tips helped.


Try this with a few of these tips.

If you do have a condition it is called insoymnia(misspelled)
try looking it up for more information
2008-07-06 5:31 am
if you are unable to sleep try following;

when you want to sleep chant this MANTRA it wil induce you to go to sleep !!!

dont believe it ,try it for few mins & you will start YAWNING!!!! chant this when you want to go to sleep for 15-20 mins

"shuddhe shuddhe maha yogini maha nidraye swaha"

(mantra given by "sant ASARAMji bapu")

2008-07-04 8:19 am
you might have insomnia or u just got yourself used to a bad sleeping habbit
2008-07-04 8:12 am
What she said. My daughter and her husband have problems like yours. My daughter from the time of her birth could not go to sleep early as she should have. Some do have physical problems and that is why you must see a doctor.
2008-07-04 8:12 am
couple things you can do

1. 30 minutes before bed, read a book it will relax you and comfort you for bed
2. try flippin the mattress over
3. take a shower, that will relax you and you should fall asleep
4. whatever has you stressed out, try just ignorin it and puttin it off
5. no caffeine/sugars before bed, try havin milk or cheese these are stimulants

good luck
2008-07-04 8:10 am
i am pretty sure that this has to be happening for an extended period of time (like a month or 2) before it can be classified as a disorder.

I'm not trying to be rude, i was 13 once and am just trying to help. Sometimes at that age...lots of things occur, your hormones are going crazy, you have a lot on your mind, you get easily excited about the activities of the next day, etc.

I think you may be trying too hard... skip the reading and the milk... take a warm shower... get in bed, and think about the beach: empty with the waves slowly rolling in on the shore..... thinking about soothing scenes, relaxes your mind

ALSO...don't eat anything for 2 hours before you go to bed, this will help slow your metabolism.

set an alarm to wake up earlier, i know you want to sleep in, but you want to have a good night's rest too, right...so wake up early, quit hitting "snooze" and don't take naps during the day.

During the school year, you have a lot to do during the day, you wake up early and have school, then activities after school, then "bed-time"...make up a similar schedule for the summer, keeping the same times, but different activities...example: wake up like usual for school, but since there's no school, CLEAN YOUR ROOM :D, or go out and play.

I don't think you have a sleeping disorder, you have just messed up your sleep pattern.
2008-07-04 8:07 am
i know how u feel im 13 and still up 2...got the same prob...but i have ocd and havny been on my meds i a long time...i know why me and u have this problem and im gonna tell u cause i been there done that...ur problem is melotonin...it is something ur brain doesnt produce enough of...its wat makes u sleepy at night. i have the stuff and it works, but to c effects u have to take it 4 a week...i only used mine 4 skool now i dont care so ive been up 4 2 days straight now...TEEHEE!!!! take care and remember to ask ur doc 4 melotonin..
2008-07-04 8:29 am
u may have Insomnia, Major depression, Stress and anxiety

Insomnia is the inability to obtain an adequate amount or quality of sleep. The difficulty can be in falling asleep, remaining asleep, or both. People with insomnia do not feel refreshed when they wake up. Insomnia is a common symptom affecting millions of people that may be caused by many conditions, diseases, or circumstances.
The diagnosis of insomnia is made by a physician based on the patient's reported signs and symptoms. It can be useful for the patient to keep a daily record for two weeks of sleep patterns, food intake, use of alcohol, medications, exercise, and any other information recommended by the physician. If the patient has a bed partner, information can be obtained about whether the patient snores or is restless during sleep. This, together with a medical history and physical examination, can help confirm the doctor's assessment.

Major depression is when five or more symptoms of depression are present for at least 2 weeks. These symptoms include feeling sad, hopeless, worthless, or pessimistic. In addition, people with major depression often have behavior changes, such as new eating and sleeping patterns. Major depression increases a person's risk of suicide.
Depression can be treated in a variety of ways, particularly with medications and counseling. Most people benefit from a combination of the two. Some studies have shown that antidepressant drug therapy combined with psychotherapy appears to have better results than either therapy alone.

Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or anxious. What is stressful to one person is not necessarily stressful to another. Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension or fear. The source of this uneasiness is not always known or recognized, which can add to the distress you feel.

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