Heart Pain? or Chest pain?

2008-07-03 9:38 am
Over the past year, I have had a 3 episodes of extreme pain in my chest right above my heart. It feels like my chest is being ripped open and I have extreme burning and pain that goes up to my shoulders. The last time it really scared me. I probably would have gone to the ER, but I was embarassed (I was in an intimate situation).

I have low blood pressure, but I am very overweight, and I'm fairly young. Since I have been to the doctor TOO much lately for severe migraines, without much help, I don't want to go to the doctor unless I really need to. (Also, my mother is an extreme hypochondriac, and I have a hard time asking for help without feeling like I'm just looking for attention like her.)

I've looked it up, and the only other heart symptoms I have is that I have a hard time breathing sometimes, I find I sleep better with several pillows, and I get fluttering sensations sometimes.

Any ideas?

Also, I've been thinking about just waiting to see if it happens again and then making an appointment with my doctor. Do you think this would be ok?

回答 (8)

2008-07-03 10:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
You definitely should not be afraid to see the doctor. With 3 episodes of chest pain with radiation of the pain in the last year, it is very possible you have a cardiac condition that requires professional medical attention. Although younger people usually don't have cardiovascular problems (not sure of your age), it does happen sometimes. Your weight predisposes you to heart problems as well, which brings up another topic, your diet. Poor eating habits can contribute to heart problems also; family history too (anyone else in your family had heart problems?). The fluttering sensations you mentioned could possibly be atrial flutter, which shouldn't be painful (is it?), but could be indicative of something else happening with your heart. If you see your family doctor, you might ask whether or not you need an echocardiogram (EKG). It's very important to see a physician about this, and that might help prevent you from having a more expensive and possibly life-threatening trip to the ER. If you have left-sided chest pain with radiation of the pain as severe as you described, you need to go immediately to the ER. Hope everything works out for you.
2008-07-03 9:57 pm
Extreme pain in the chest is something that should be checked. However, if you want another source of information about symptoms, see http://www.smart-heart-living.com/heart_disease_symptoms.html

But don't take chances... if it's your heart you need quick medical attention.

Good luck!
2008-07-03 3:46 pm
Go seek medical advice at once!
This is not the place when dealing with a could be heart problem!
Fluttering is not a game.
I feel your same pains myself, but I will not give medical advice for YOUR life.
2008-07-03 11:25 am
I went to the hospital around a year ago for what sounds like almost the same things as you are going through. The pain came on suddenly and it began right above my right breast. It lasted for hours and hours. Then the pain started going upwards toward my shoulder. At the time, I didn't know the signs of heart attacks so we called the ambulance and they took me to the hospital. They ran xrays on me, took blood tests, everything and couldn't find anything wrong. The only thing they could think of was maybe I pulled a muscle or something. They gave me pain meds and it went away and never came back. Now, I do have congestive heart failure, but they said that had nothing to do with the pain I was going through. And the ambulance driver and the doctors at the hospital both told me that with a sharp/dull pain like I was having that lasted the length it did, couldn't possibly be a heart attack. When you are having a heart attack it feels like an elephant sitting on your chest, and a lot of pressure and the pain is very temporary.
When my heart was enlarged (Size of a football), I also had a fluttering effect. You should have that checked out. It could mean several things which are not good to wait on. You could have an irregular heartbeat, or your heart could not be beating correctly which can cause your blood pressure to not stabilize correctly.. Very dangerous. Never wait to see a doctor when it comes to your heart, ok?
2008-07-03 10:16 am
You really need to go to ER next time, no excuses...which you rather be, dead or embarrassed?
2008-07-03 9:51 am
Heartburn is a painful burning sensation in the esophagus, just below or behind the breastbone. The pain often rises in your chest and may radiate to your neck or throat.

Almost everyone has occasional heartburn. If you have frequent, ongoing heartburn, you may have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Normally, when food or liquid enters your stomach, a band of muscle at the end of your esophagus (called the lower esophageal sphincter or LES) closes off the esophagus. If this muscle fails to close tightly enough, stomach contents can back up (reflux) into the esophagus. This partially digested material is usually acidic and can irritate the esophagus, causing heartburn and other symptoms.

Heartburn is more likely to occur if you have a hiatal hernia, which is when the top part of the stomach protrudes upward into the chest cavity. This weakens the LES and makes it easier for acid to reflux from the stomach into the esophagus.

Heartburn can be brought on or worsened by pregnancy and by many different medications.

Such drugs include:

Calcium channel blockers for high blood pressure
Progestin for abnormal menstrual bleeding or birth control
Anticholinergics (e.g., for sea sickness)
Certain bronchodilators for asthma
Tricyclic antidepressants
Dopamine for Parkinson's disease
Sedatives for insomnia or anxiety
Beta blockers for high blood pressure or heart disease
If you suspect that one of your medications may be causing heartburn, talk to your doctor. NEVER change or stop medication you take regularly without talking to your doctor.

Chest pain is discomfort or pain that you feel anywhere along the front of your body between your neck and upper abdomen.

Many people with chest pain fear a heart attack. However, there are many possible causes of chest pain. Some causes are mildly inconvenient, while other causes are serious, even life-threatening. Any organ or tissue in your chest can be the source of pain, including your heart, lungs, esophagus, muscles, ribs, tendons, or nerves.

Angina is a type of heart-related chest pain. This pain occurs because your heart is not getting enough blood and oxygen. Angina pain can be similar to the pain of a heart attack.

Angina is called stable angina when your chest pain begins at a predictable level of activity. (For example, when you walk up a steep hill.) However, if your chest pain happens unexpectedly after light activity or occurs at rest, this is called unstable angina. This is a more dangerous form of angina and you need to be seen in an emergency room right away.

Chest pain can also be related to problems with your digestive system. These include stomach ulcer, gallbladder disease, gallstones, indigestion, heartburn, or gastroesophageal reflux (when acid from your stomach backs up into your esophagus).
2008-07-03 9:46 am
those are all signs of heart attacks :/
if i was you make an appointment asap
and if it happens again before you go to your appointment, go to the ER asap
2008-07-03 10:04 am
hmmmmmm - your chest pain is not typical of heart attack or anything of that sort - you had 3 episodes - so that also is against a typical attack. Being overweight is a predisposing condition, but your young age and low BP is protective. Migraine medicines can cause chest pain and there is another condition where there is spasm of blood vessel to heart - that will cause chest pain (prinzmetal angina). Well the pain could be musculoskeletal, or due to reflux disease, but you need to get this evaluated for sure.

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