
2008-07-04 5:02 am
too many和too much噶分別?

ice cream用too many定係too much?

回答 (6)

2008-07-08 6:26 am
too many係court 到既
too much係court唔到既

雪糕應該唔用many or much
係用scope 既
2008-07-04 10:33 pm
too many 和 too much 都係解好多 / 非常之多,分別是:
too many 是數到的;
too much 是數唔到的。

而 ice cream 是用 too much 才對。

至於答句係 I have robbed two times. 問句是:
How many times have you robbed?

I robbed a clothes shop. 問句則是:
Which place did you rob?
2008-07-04 5:17 am
可以數得既野就用 how many.
How many cars are there in the car park?
How many apples you have eaten?

唔可以數既就用 how much.
How much money I need to pay?
How much ice-cream you want to eat?

但 用在ice-cream 上通常以scope (球), cone 或 bowl (碗) 計算, 所以可以用:

1. How many scopes of ice-cream do you want?
2. How many cones of ice-cream you want to eat?
3. How many bowls of ice-cream you have eaten?

2008-07-03 21:18:14 補充:
Too much and many 也是一樣道理
參考: myself
2008-07-04 5:08 am
TOO MANY is for countable item. (things that can be count, eg.tree, flower)

TOO MUCH is for uncountable item. (things that cannot be count, eg. salt,

Ice-cream is uncountable, so, you should use "too much".

I hope this can help you!!

2008-07-03 21:10:28 補充:
參考: ME
2008-07-04 5:07 am
一、 “many”是配合可數名詞(countable nouns),而“much”是配合不可數名詞(uncountable nouns);
二、 “enough”則是兩者皆可:
e.g. I have got enough coins / money.
三、 “many”和“much”本身是中性的字,解作“很多”的意思:
He has much time. (他有相當多的時間。)
四、 “too many”及“too much”卻帶有負面的意思,解作
He has too much time. (指他有過多的時間,有投閒置散,百無聊賴的意思。)
五、 “enough”則有正面的意思,“He has enough time.”中,我們不能得知他有的時間是多或少,總之是足夠的。

ice cream用too many即解好多個

ice cream用too much即解好大份
參考: web and me
2008-07-04 5:04 am
too many 同 too much 都係解好多
too many 係數得到既
too much 係數唔到既
ice cream 係用too much

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