
2008-07-04 3:24 am


(時間是12:00,她走進了更衣室,當她把自己的手袋打開時,發現里面裝滿了錢,Beth堅張地閉合手袋,望向Greg. Greg對著Beth微笑,便離開了快餐店.Beth把東西收好後也離開了開餐店.)




















man: 是.(連忙望去Beth和Greg那邊)真是謝謝你們,如果我遺失了這個拍攝道具就遭了!



回答 (3)

2008-07-04 3:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
I've tried my best. Is this written by yourself? Very well, with suitable climax. Well done!

Greg (hit Beth lightly): Don't think too much. Let's just make it like this.

Greg looked around, made sure that there wasn't anyone, and ran quickly into the changing room inside a fastfood shop with the bag full of money.

(Time is 12:00, she went into the changing room. When she opened her bag, she found it was full of money. Beth calmly closed the bag and looked at Greg. Greg smiled to Beth, and left the fastfood store. Beth left as well after packing the things. )

(Lights were switched off suddenly, at about 10 minutes later, stage background was changed. This is Beth's house.)

Scene 2: Beth's House

(Beth went onto the stage, laid on the bed, she suddenly thought of the money inside her bag)

Beth (opened the bag, said softly): What shall I do? Shall I give it to the Police?

Beth was counting the money, and screamed loudly: There are 100 thousand dollars...
(Suddenly, the door bell rang...)

Ding Dong, Ding Dong...

Beth (put down the money and screamed): Who is this? Wait! I'm coming...

Beth (opened the door, screamed suprisingly): Greg!! Why are you here?

Greg (came in, shut the door) : Shhhh... Don't be so loud. I've got something to tell you

Beth: What's the matter?

Greg: I think the money we found were too supiscious, it's better for us to give it back to the Police.

Beth: Okay!

Stage Background was changed into a Police Station. Beth and Greg went onto the Stage

Scene 3: Police Station

Greg: Sir, we found this in a fastfood restaurant.

(Police held the bag, then a man went onto the stage)

Man (nervously): Police, I lost a bag of money.

Police: Is that bag this one? This was found by the 2 ladies beside.

Man: Yes! (Looked to Beth and Greg's Side). Thank you! If I've lost this film prop I'll be dead.

Beth, Greg (screamed suprisingly): What? This is only a film prop?!

2008-07-03 19:45:33 補充:
I hope you'll like this, translated by myself~!
2008-07-06 3:39 am
Greg: (lightly hit Beth) not to have to think! Like this!

(Greg all around has a look, to determine nobody sees, takes that to
pack money bag, very fast runs in fast-food restaurant changing room.)

(Time was 12:00, she entered changing room, when she turned on own
handbag, inside discovered has packed money, Beth firm place closed
handbag, looked to Greg. Greg to the Beth smile, after then left
fast-food restaurant Beth to receive thing also left opening meal

(The light is suddenly dim, probably crossed several minutes, the
stage field boundary has traded This is the Beth family)

Scene 2:Beth family

(Beth has stepped onto stage, lies down on bed, she suddenly
remembers in own handbag money)

Beth: (turns on handbag, said in a soft voice) how manages? Or
gives the police to be good!

Beth: (she counts money, she surprised greatly shouts) here altogether
to have 10 ten thousand Yuan...

(Doorbell suddenly resounded by now...)

When dingdong bites....

Beth: (she lays down in hand money, who greatly shouts) ~ and
so on, I come immediately....

Beth: (she has opened gate, extremely surprised greatly shouts) Greg!
! Why can you come?

Greg: (walked has come in and closes a door) breathes out! Do not be
such loud I have the matter to say with you

Beth: What matter?

Greg: I thought today finds these money too were suspicious! I think
or to give these money the police to be good!

Beth: Good!

(Field boundary traded police station, stage which Beth and Greg
stepped onto)

Scene 3: Police station

Greg: Sob! Police. We have found this bag of money in the
fast-food restaurant

After (police received bag, by now some man has stepped onto stage)

Man: (anxiously said) police! I disappeared bag of money

Police: I thought you do not see are this bag! This is stands that two
young ladies to find

Man: Yes. (hastily looks Beth and the Greg that side) thank you, if I
lost this photography stage prop to suffer!

Beth, what does Greg: (surprised greatly shout)? Original this
photographs the stage prop!
參考: yahoo! 聰明pen^__^
2008-07-04 5:17 am
1. police 係警方,唔係警察!

3.Greg 係男仔名喎......所以有關部份我唔會話「;兩位小姐」。
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
Greg: (nudges Beth lightly) Let's stopping pondering! That is what we will do!
(注意,你冇講點撞法,但呢個情況用手?輕輕一碰--即係 nudge,應該最o岩)
(Greg looks around to make sure that no one sees them before dashing into the changing room of the fastfood restaurant with the bag full of money)
(It's 12:00,Beth comes into the changing room. As she opens her bag and finds it stuffed with money, she closes it nervously, looking at Greg. Greg smiles to Beth and leaves the restaurant. Beth leaves too after she puts her stuff away.)
(Lights dim sharply.) (「大約過了十幾分鐘,舞台的場境換了.這是Beth的家」呢句,o係劇本對冇需要,只要o係下一場開始時講明轉左去邊度就得。十幾分鐘轉景,太慢啦!廿秒都好盡架啦!)

Scene 2:
(Beth's home)
(Beth comes to the stage and lies on the bed, suddenly remembering the money in her bag.)
Beth: (opens her bag, speaks softly) What should I do? I'd better give it to the police!
Beth: (counting the money, screams in astonishment) That's $100,000...
(Doorbell rings)
Beth: (puts down the money and yells) Who is it? I'm coming, just a second...
Beth: (opens the door and yells, very surprised) Greg! What brought you here?
Greg: (comes in and closes the door) Hush! Not so loud. I need to talk to you.
Beth: What is it?
Greg: I feel the money we found today really suspicious. It looks safer to hand it over to the police!
Beth: Okay.

Scene 3
(Police station)
Greg: Excuse me, officer. We found this bag of money in a fastfood restaurant.
(Policeman takes the bag from them. A man comes onto the stage.)
man: (worriedly) Excuse me, officer! I've lost a bag of money.

2008-07-03 21:18:06 補充:
Policeman: I guess this is the bag you've lost! These two nice people here found it.

man: Yes, this is it! (turns to Beth and Greg) Thank you so much. I would be in deep trouble if I lose these movie props!

2008-07-03 21:18:09 補充:
Beth and Greg: (yells in surprise) What? These are movie props?

= = = = = = = = = = = =

唔好介意,呢個結局同 scene 1 唔多夾喎...

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