救下命啦~Grammar Practice

2008-07-04 1:16 am

Grammar Practice

Each of the following sentences contains a grammatical mistake. Find out the mistake and rewrite the sentences.

1.I was 13 years old tomorrow.

2.There have many books in the library.

3.Sally is a honest girl.

4.Please listen at me, boys and girls!

5.Tommy does his work very good.

6. Sharks has been in the Earth's waters for 250 million years.

7.The news which we saw on TV this morning are ture.

8.I am looking television now.

9.She has bought a lot of furnitures for her new home.

10.The student are running fast back to their classroom.

回答 (4)

2008-07-05 9:39 am
1. I will be 13 years old tomorrow
明天先13歲,所以用 will be

2.There are many books in the library.
There 後面跟 have 既話一定要係 present participle
e.g. There have been a lot robberies lately 最近有好多劫案

3.Sally is an honest girl.
部份h字頭嘅vocab係響音字,會當佢同a、e、i、o、u字頭嘅字一樣處理點解?你讀下個字就知。 Honest 個 h跟本唔發音,個字讀音係 onest

4.Please listen to me, boys and girls!

5.Tommy does his work very well.
形容行為用 adverb,good係adj,well係 adverb,係呢到well形容does

6. Sharks have been in the Earth's waters for 250 million years.
sharks係眾數,跟 have;has係跟係單數後面

7.The news which we saw on TV this morning is true./
The piece of news which we saw on TV this morning is true.
最準確既用法係第二句,news應該係 uncountable,所以用 piece of news,正如 water係 uncountable,用法係 glass of water。第一句都得,但係係 casual 既用法,口語居多。其實可以免去which,句子簡潔d
The news which have watched一定錯,都無object,唔知邊個睇電視

8.I am watching television now.
一定係 watch TV,read book,唔會係 英look TV,look book

9.She has bought a lot of furniture for her new home.
furniture 係 uncountable noun,要數要用 piece of furniture
a lot of 用係 uncountable 或 countable noun 前都得

10.The students are running fast back to their classroom.
fast同時係adverb同 adjective。無 fastly呢個字
2008-07-04 10:25 am
3) Sally is AN honest girl.
#有部份h字頭嘅vocab係響音字,會當佢同a、e、i、o、u字頭嘅字一樣處理。Honest、Hour 係其中嘅例子。

7) The news which we saw on TV this morning IS true.
#呢個係只有一個grammatical mistake 嘅答案,可以嘅話我會改成:
The news THAT we HAVE SEEN on TV this morning IS true.
HAVE SEEN通常用於剛發生嘅動作,所以用起上嚟會比SAW更有現場感;如果個動作(SEE)係發生喺好耐之前,就一定係錯嘅。

9) She has bought MUCH furniture for her new home.
#喺英文裏面,Furniture呢個字只表明一個種類(好似文具stationery一樣),而唔係一件物件,所以係不可數(uncountable),冇可能用a lot of。要數嘅話,可以用a piece of furniture。

10) The STUDENTS are running fast back to their classroom.
#Classroom 唔需要變為眾數,因為係嗰班學生共同擁有嘅。

2008-07-04 2:49 am
1.I (was) 13 years old tomorrow.
I will be 13 years old tomorrow.

2.There (have) many books in the library.
There are many books in the library.

3.Sally is a (honest) girl.
Sally is an honest girl.

4.Please listen (at) me, boys and girls!
Please listen to me, boys and girls!

5.Tommy does his work very (good).
Tommy does his work very well.

6. Sharks (has) been in the Earth's (waters) for 250 million years.
Sharks have been in the Earth's water for 250 millon years.

7.The news which (we saw) on TV this morning are ture.
The news which have watched on TV this morning are true.

*which後面係個verb(如: is, are, has, have, can)

8.I am (looking) television now.
I am watching television now.

9.She has bought a lot of (furnitures) for her new home.
She has bought a lot of furniture for her new home.

10.The (student) are running fast back to their classroom.
The students are running fast back to their classroom(s).

參考: me(絕不能抄襲)
2008-07-04 2:15 am
1. I will be 13 years old tomorrow.

2.There are many books in the library.

3.Sally is a honest girl.

4.Please listen to me, boys and girls!

5.Tommy does his work very well.

6. Sharks has been in the Earth's water for 250 million years.

7.The news which we watched on TV this morning are ture.

8.I am watching television now.

9.She has bought a lot of furniture for her new home.

10.The student are running back to their classroom fastly.
參考: me

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