GTA liberty city story PSP

2008-07-03 10:42 pm
GTA liberty city story PSP 中, 我想問點有直昇機揸。 係咪"False Idols"度攞?我啱啱做到呢個mission。但係我唔識, 請教路。仲有, 如果有直昇機, 可放在哪?我唔要密技,金手指……。 thx, 唔該!

回答 (2)

2008-07-04 4:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Not this mission,is <<Blind Faith>>But no place to put it then save.You only can fiy it.In this mission you need to destory two car and a helicopter before they arrive the point.If you want to take the helicopter you need to go to the bridge to the third city.Go on the bridge entry.Then go to a building.Next you only need to wait the helicopter go on.Finllay go in the helicopter then you can fly.
GTA LCS is not have helicopter,but I saw some one can get a Hunter in youdute.They say is use game save.let see:
PSP only haveGTA VCS and LCS(just you playing).資料可看我回答人們的
and you can send e-mail to me:[email protected]
參考: Youtude and My play GTA's experience(All GTA I'm 100%pass)(I'm a Hong Kong people!I only DO not know how to write chinese in compter.)
2008-07-03 10:49 pm
GTA LIBERTY CITY係無直升機架,你玩vice city 就有,如果你想
問多d關於gta既野你可sead e-mail給我,令有爆機檔

[email protected]
參考: gta lcs vcs都爆左機既我

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