求英文釋本 詳內

2008-07-03 8:44 pm
求 "弗雷德里克·道格拉斯(Frederick Douglass)指出:「自由之土的呼求甚囂塵上,非為將自由延伸至黑人身上,乃是為了保障白人的自由。」"

回答 (2)

2008-07-03 9:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
And "Frederick Douglass (Frederick Douglass) that:" Freedom of soil cry a great clamor for non-blacks will be extended to the Liberal who is white in order to protect the freedom "he said."
The English version
2008-07-03 9:26 pm
"弗雷德里克道格拉斯(Frederick Douglass)指出:「自由之土的呼求甚囂塵上,非為將自由延伸至黑人身上,乃是為了保障白人的自由。」"

Frederick Douglass (Frederick Douglass) that"Freedom of soil cry a great clamor for non-blacks will be extended to the Liberal who is white in order to protect the freedom ."

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