
2008-07-03 8:30 pm
事件: 客人出email問我拎製衣用品-紙樣, 佢要求要5款紙樣(No.1,2,3,4,5)
我已經寫好前幾句,但最後一句唔知點問, 或請建議應該點問

patterns = 紙樣
其中No.5 紙樣為: 主身(代號:OSO) + frill(裙邊) + skirt(裙腳)

We will send these patterns to Miss S tomorrow morning, excluding No.5 patterns. We only have patterns for OSO, no parts of frill & skirt.
If we provide the patterns for OSO to you, 這是否對你有幫助?
及日後請提供 frill & skirt 的紙樣給我們

回答 (2)

2008-07-03 11:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
及日後請提供 frill & skirt 的紙樣給我們

, would it be helpful for you?
Please reply me if I need to send out the patterns for OSO and
please provide the parts of frill & skirt of the patterns next time, thank you.
2008-07-03 9:11 pm
因為已經過了4天, 相信我這個答案對你已沒有幫助, 留下次用吧.

Pattern No.5 has the frill and the skirt missing, should you need only the OSO, please response by return so we can send all patterns to Miss S by tomorrow morning. By the way, kindly furnish us with the missing parts at your earliest convenience.

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