想問下兩題幾深既mc cloze...麻煩高手解答..thx!!(20分)

2008-07-03 3:49 pm
The Kuril Islands, located between Japan and Russia, are inhabited by 47000 Russians. Until 1945 about 16000 Japanese lived there, but all either fled or were expelled during World WAR II.

A Hong Kong property company is said to have been awarded a contract to develop a resort on one of the _____ islands.
A. opposed
B. disputed
C. debated
D. contended

it is being promoted as _____ for East Asian playboys with hotels, casinos, a dog track and a cock-fighting arena.
A. a shelter
B. a reserve
C a haven
D. an asylum


第2題答案唔係b = ="


第2題係c wo= ="""


我無打錯呀..... 你地可以check下... 94年AL UE MC cloze 第19題....

回答 (3)

2008-07-03 4:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A. opposed-有反對的
B. disputed-有爭議的
C. debated-受辯論的
D. contended-被爭奪的
A. a shelter
B. a reserve
C a haven
D. an asylum
四個字當中,a、c、d都係避難所,而b就有保留一個地方作特別用途之意,如米埔自然保護區就係 Mai Po Natural Reserve。呢個酒店就係保留俾呢d有錢人玩樂o既地方。

2008-07-03 11:40:05 補充:
咁的話我會諗到 safe haven,往往譯作避風港,但好多時都講埋係避稅。我接受o既~

但我最多話佢可能係 more appropriate。
2008-07-03 7:16 pm
A Hong Kong property company is said to have been awarded a contract to develop a resort on one of the___ disputed_____ islands.

disputed = 具爭議性的
it is being promoted as___a_shelter____ for East Asian playboys with hotels, casinos, a dog track and a cock-fighting arena.
shelter = 有蓋可住的都可統稱 shelter, 唔一定指避難所!
Their immediate need is for food, clothing and shelter.

2008-07-03 11:18:37 補充:
My own opinion, may not be 100% correct!
2008-07-03 4:50 pm
A Hong Kong property company is said to have been awarded a contract to develop a resort on one of the _____ islands.
A. opposed
B. disputed
C. debated
D. contended
因為歷史講過日本同俄羅斯就因為Kuril Islands而dispute!雖然disputed and debated 都可以解爭論,但係debate多數形容討論多d!
it is being promoted as _____ for East Asian playboys with hotels, casinos, a dog track and a cock-fighting arena.
A. a shelter
B. a reserve
C a haven
D. an asylum
Shelter, haven, and asylum都係解避難所, reserve可以解保護區,所以我會選擇 reserve,除非c係heaven,否則 reserve會比較好d!

This is only my opinion, hope I can help you with!

2008-07-03 12:34:08 補充:
第2題係c? Is it typo on the answer, is it heaven not haven? If heaven than it makes sense!

2008-07-04 07:14:02 補充:
參考: myself

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