About Setting password for the router

2008-07-03 9:38 am
我係用緊TRENDnet 果個TEW-452BRP
我想set個password, 但係我睇唔明個說明書

回答 (2)

2008-07-03 6:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你首先要登入router既設定頁面,然後去wireless設定頁,搵encryption加密一欄,選用WEP,WPA, WPA-II,建議選WPA。打入六個自選字母,它會自己產生一組16數字密碼,就係其他設備連線用時所需既密碼。

參考: avbcd.blogspot.com
2008-07-03 9:34 pm
The Password setting for Router

Step 1. Open your web browser and type the IP address of the TEW-452BRP in the address bar.
The default IP address is At the login, enter your username (admin) and
password (admin).
Step 2. Click on “LAN Setting” on the left hand side and then click on “Password” at the top of
the page.

The Password setting for Wireless connection

Step 1. Click on “Wireless” on the left hand side and then click on “Authentication” at the top
of the page.

Step 2. Choose your Authentication type and enter your key settings.
Step 3. Click “Apply” to save your settings.

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