[問題]Basic Account Question(10分)

2008-07-03 9:30 am
Patricia Blair records her bank and cash transactions in a 3-column cash book. On 31 May 2003, she had a cash balance of £110 and a bank overdraft of £745. The following transactions took place during June 2003.
16 June ,Received cheque for £300 from L Kane
18 June , Paid W Tell by cheque, £180, in full settlement of a debt of £190

19 June , L Kane’s cheque returned by bank marked ‘refer to drawer’

這句子會對Cash Book 有甚麼影響?

回答 (2)

2008-07-03 6:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Cash Book :
16/6 Dr : L Kane 300(入Bank 既 column)
18/6 Cr : W Tell 180(入Bank 既 column) 同埋有10 Discount
19/6 Cr : L Kane’s cheque returned by bank (入Bank 既 column)

希望可以幫倒你啦~ ^^
2008-07-06 10:20 am
b/f -----------Dr.110------------------------Cr.745

16.Jun------------------------------------Dr.300(L Kane)
18.Jun----------------------------------------Cr.180(W Tell)
19.Jun----------------------------------------Cr.300(returned cheque-L Kane)


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