
2008-07-03 7:42 am
as our valued customer, you are entitled to our new brand name shopping points plan which gives you considerabel saving when shopping in our designated shops

想問為什麼 saving and shopping 要用gerund

同可否簡單解釋gerund 用法

thanks for the belows reply got some more questions , 1) if 2 words togetter , the latter one should +ing , must it striaght after the first verb, or can be a few words after ? 2) we have rec'd yr leter of Feb 19 asking us to delay the delivery . asking is a gerund in here ? pls explain 3

回答 (3)

2008-07-03 8:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
For above, 'which gives you considerable saving', saving is a noun, not a verb. So it's actually not one of the use of gerund.

And second, about the 'shopping': After you use 'when', 'of', 'by', 'in', 'as' or something like that, you need to use gerund. The reason is simple, because after those words you won't have a subject. You can't just use a verb to instead of a subject, such as 'I jump off as I slip', you can't change it into 'I jump off as slip'. You can see, the sentense's structure isn't correct, nor can it gives a correct message to others. After those constructive words (or, by, in, as, with, when,...), you need to use a noun or noun phrases followed by. Changing words to gerund (that means +ing) is one of the method to maintain correct sentense's structure.

*P.S. There's some other situation you need to use gerund. As when you have two words in one sentense, you need to change the latter one into a gerund. That means add "ing".

e.g. 'I go swim' is wrong. You can change it into 'I go to swim', OR
USE A GERUND : 'I go swimming'.
參考: So you see the different now. I hope you enjoy my answer. It's all my knowledge and my viewpoint.
2008-07-08 12:54 pm
thanks both of yr great effort on my question , especially, 001
2008-07-03 9:03 am
shopping points plan - "shopping" here is used as noun compounds. The gerund here carries the main stress.

but "saving" - I don't see it as gerund, to me it is a noun.

Gerund can be used:
1. as subject of a sentence - Reading English is easier than speaking it.
2. as complement of a verb - My hobby is reading.
3. after preposition: I have difficulty in finding a parking place.
4. after certain verbs: I love dancing. I like skiing.
5. in noun compounds : shopping points plan
參考: hope it helps

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