
2008-07-03 7:24 am


a) he walked over to the bed and got close to my face

b) i wanted to get well and get back to living my life again

a 用past tense 我是可以理解但為什麼第b 是get back 用present tense ,

2) 第二個問題是想問 :and , but , comma , 之後已是另一句sentence

3) 有時很難分別past tense 同 past prefect tense e.g had been killed 同 was killed 有什麼分別

4) 我想說”這個一直是我的目的”, 

a) it has always been our aimed or
b) it has always been our aim

5) 我想說

without yr help , it would not have been successd or success

6) 以下那一句是對的
a) i have always thought that paying some compliment was always appropraite
b) i have always thought that paying some compliemt is always appropriate
同為什縻paying 要用gerund

7) Gerund , 是否两個Verbs 在同一句sentence , 後面個verb 便要加 ing


回答 (3)

2008-07-03 10:49 am
✔ 最佳答案

For b), try to break down the sentence into 2 sentences and you can see the reason :

I wanted to get well.
I wanted to get back to living my life again.

All verbs after to have to be in bare infinitive, i.e. present tense. So when you combine the 2 sentences together you can understand why you need to use get back.

Grammatically b) has no mistake. But in meaning the sentence is strange : get back to living my life again, this implies you cannot get back to living your life again if you do not get well ??? If you say : I want to get back to living my normal life again, then the meaning makes sense.

2) 第二個問題是想問 :and , but , comma , 之後已是另一句sentence
Not necessarily.

And can be used as the beginning of a sentence or as a conjunction in the middle of a sentence. It can also be used as conjunction after a comma.

But has the same definition as “and”.
After comma does not mean that we are beginning another sentence. On the contrary, a comma is to divide one sentence into 2 parts, (or even more with more commas) but it is still one sentence. Only when you are using a full stop then you are ending a sentence.

3) 有時很難分別past tense 同 past prefect tense e.g had been killed 同 was killed 有什麼分別

- was killed is not past tense only, it is a past passive voice sentence, that is, someone was killed (by someone) – this is a passive voice. And the killing happened in the past – this is a past tense.
- Had been killed is a past perfect tense in passive voice. From above you already know what is a passive voice. When we have to compare the priority of two action happened in the past, that is, we need to tell which action happened first and which happened after, we need to use past perfect tense to make it clear :

2008-07-03 02:51:22 補充:
Example : the killing happened this morning before I went to school. So “the killing” and “my going to school” both happened in the past, we use the past perfect tense to talk about the first action – the killing, and use past tense to talk about the second action – I went to school.

2008-07-03 02:51:56 補充:
At the end, the sentence will become :
Someone had been killed before I went to school.

4) 這個一直是我的目的 : 目的 = noun. Aim=noun

It has always been my aim. You can also say target instead of aim.

2008-07-03 02:52:26 補充:
5) Without your help(no space before comma) , it would not have been successful.
Successful is an adjective for “it”.
Succeed is a verb. If you want to use this, you have to change to :….it would not succeed.
Success is a noun. You have to change to : it would not been a success.

2008-07-03 02:52:44 補充:
6) 以下一句是對的 :

b) I have always thought that paying some compliment is always appropriate.

paying 要用gerund is because we have to use a noun phrase after the first verb. We cannot use 2 verbs in one sentence

2008-07-03 02:53:00 補充:
7) Gerund , 是否两個Verbs 在同一句sentence , 後面個verb 便要加 ing – Bingo ! You are right !
參考: Myself
2008-07-04 5:30 am
thanks for yr great effort on my questions , but for my question 1 , author was trying to say somethings happened in the past , so why he didn't use "got back" iso of use "get back" , this was main point of my question. thanks
2008-07-03 8:51 am
1) Sometimes, one sentense doesn't really require only ONE tense. Like when I say, 'I will be sure rich if I succeed this job.' Mostly, we'd include two or three tense to completely express our ideas with others. In this sentense, it means that 'I wanted to get well SO THAT I can get back back to living my life again.' It's the same meaning, just a different kind of expression. There's no grammar mistakes in (b) by the way.

2) 'And' and 'but' always starts another sentense. But for 'comma', there's another use of it. Such as, 'The apple is red, bloodred.' You can use comma to pause the sentense, and then add something you want to highlight or emphasize. This can help you write a better draft.

3) Past tense uses for saying something really LONG ago. The sentense structure are usually only one clause. But for past prefect tense, it uses for saying something you DID before something happened. This contains two sentenses, one was the past prefect tense sentense, second was the past tense. For example, 'I had already woken up BEFORE the clock's bell rang.' (Two sentenses structure)

4) Aim can refer as a noun. So you can just choose the (b). But, you should use 'my' instead of 'our' if you want to say '我的'.

5) The verb form for success is succeed. Both sentenses are okay (the former sentense should change into 'Without your help, it would not have been succeeded.')

6) (b) is right. It's because you're telling a fact that you sure. And about the sentense, 'paying some complier' is actually a noun phrase. You see there's a verb, you add "ing" and the word could be changed into a gerund. So you can make a correct noun phrase. (If you don't change pay into paying, the sentense structure is incorrect. That means grammar mark will be deducted.)

7) Yes. The latter verb that add ing would change into a gerund, or you could say it's a noun phrase.
參考: My knowledge and viewpoints. I hope my answers could help solving your problems.

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