請問用500W火牛能夠推動得GeForce 9800 GTX嗎?

2008-07-03 4:22 am
請問用500W火牛能夠推動得GeForce 9800 GTX嗎?

回答 (1)

2008-07-03 8:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
it depends on how much electricity yr cpu r using?
125w? 90w? 65w?

or whether yr computer connects with thousands of hdd?
1 hdd? 2 hdd? or 10 hdd??

so the conclusion is,
it depends on the no. of hardware and how much electricity for one hardware consumes
so u should decide whether 500w is enough for your computer?

2008-07-03 13:13:54 補充:
4000+, yours is 2.57GHz?
you overclock it?
mine is only 2.11GHz
also idk your cpu is 90nm or 65nm?
90nm and overclock of coz consumes more energy.
but u said u only use one hdd
so i think 500w is enough la

2008-07-03 13:14:03 補充:
pls see:

the 9800gtx consumes 230w when load
so u calculate yourself...is the remaining 270w enough for your other hardware (cpu + hdd + fan...??)

2008-07-04 19:53:47 補充:
oh,then more than enough la...:-)

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