
2008-07-03 12:23 am

Dear Annie,

How are you?I'll finish my studies soon so it won't be long until we see each other again.I miss talking to you and sharing our problems.

I met a boy called Jimmy in a few months ago.He likes everything I like,for example,singing,dancing and watching films.He's a really nice person.We sometimes go out together and have become good friends.But I will leave England soon when I finish my studies.I want to bring him over to Hong Kong but I'm afraid my parents won't like him.He is English and can't speak Cantonese at all.

What should I do?Please give me some advice


回答 (3)

2008-07-03 12:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Shadow:
How are you asw ell? Thank you and appreciated with your letter to me and I also look forward to seeing you in Hong Kong again and let us have a nice chat again.
I am happy to hear taht you have a boy friend called Jimmy and it is so lucky for you to met him in UK. I do believe that your parents will accept him even he cannot speak Cantonese. I suggets that you arrange a dinner with Jimmy and your parents, you introduce him to them and let them know taht he is a good guy and also he is not playing around but really serious about the relationship with you.
Anyway, Please let me know when you will be coming back and let me pick you up at the airport (Jimmy as well!!!).
Good luck and take good care of ourself.
2008-07-03 1:24 am
Dear shadow,

I’m fine. I was really glad that you will finish your studies and can come back .I miss talking to you too, but soon we will share our problems again.
As for your friend Jimmy, I think you can phone your parents first for their permission to bring him to Hong Kong (I am sure your parents won’t mind a visitor for just a few days)and remember, when you tell them about Jimmy, talk all the fascinated things about him.
There is two ways for the problem of speaking Cantonese. One is to teach him, the other is to translate for him when he is in Hong Kong.

Looking forward to see you and Jimmy.

From your best pal
2008-07-03 12:40 am
佢講:(佢就快就完成佢既課程,所以{我地}好怏就可見到大家.我好想念你,好想同你討論一d問題.{我}幾個月前識左個男仔,佢叫Jimmy.我同佢好夾,{我地所鍾意既野大部分都一樣.好似唱歌, 跳舞,睇戲.佢係一個好好既人,{我地有時會一齊出去,{我地}變得好好朋友.但係{我}好快就要離開倫敦,我想同佢一齊返HK.但我怕我的家人唔鍾意佢.佢係英國人,又唔識講廣東話.點算好?我要點做?俾d意見我呀!)

參考: 我呀~~

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