2008-07-03 12:11 am
Fill in the blanks with the correct words. spite of 2.whereas 3.even thoungh 4.however 5.although 6.despite

1.___ Henry had prepared for the examination,he forgot everything he had revised. 2.___ the fact that he tried to calm down,he still felt very panicky.He tried to take a deep breath. 3.___,it did not help at all.He had a difficult time doing the examination questions4.___ his efforts.His classmates Dave and Amy had an easy time.
Henry came out from the exam room sadly5.___ Dave and Amy came out cheerfully.Fortunately,Henry's parents were not angry6.___ he did not perform well in the examination.

Match Column A with Column B to form complete sentences.
Column A
1.Mike ate a big lunch
2.Lisa is seventeen
3.She walked home alone
4.Even though Paul didn't go to school,
Column B
A.although she knew that it was dangerous.
B.he still knows a lot.
C.despite the fact that he ate a huge breakfast.
D.whereas John is nineteen.

回答 (1)

2008-07-03 1:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. although
2. despite
3. however
4. in spite of
5. whereas
6. even though

Match Column A with Column B to form complete sentences.

1.Mike ate a big lunch, C. despite the fact that he ate a huge breakfast.
2.Lisa is seventeen, D. whereas John is nineteen.
3.She walked home alone, A. although she knew that it was dangerous.
4.Even though Paul didn't go to school, B. he still knows a lot.

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