Freedom of speech

2008-07-03 12:10 am
in hk discussion forum I wonder if there is such kind of thing, when i try to post some of my opinion or comment about government medical service without disclosing any name or saying any bad word? they cut my message.

Alright then i am trying to post a message why we can't talk these and that, they cut my message too?

tell me what happens

回答 (1)

2008-07-03 12:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Freedom of Speech is not restricted in Hong Kong, however, while using service provider service, such as in your case the forum hold by someone, the person who provide the service has rights to control and maintain the forum, this is based on his/her (the service provider) judgement, in some way the freemdom of speech seems to be restricted, because some of the material might not be pleased by somebody else who were using the service and asked the service provider to do something about it. Sometime this might also cause over use of power, but even so, the holder of a forum do have the ability to choose if to delete the post or not, it is totally his/her forum holder rights.
Usually, especially in yahoo, before you can use any service from a service provider, they make sure you accept the terms and conditions before use, and it is very usual to see or similar to that "we have the rights to remove article(or threat, whichever suitable) without any notice", this make the use become a rule. And all user must follow the rules before they can have all their rights to use the forum.
Some places does not have any terms and conditions can also do so, the forum holder assume imply rules to govern any article or threat posted are without element that can be challenged (by law and by anyone), it will seems to be a responsibilty, and you can said it is a rule on using the forum for user such as you.

2008-07-02 16:57:13 補充:
But since that you are using their service, you are suppose to follow the rule given. It will be insane and might lead into chaos if the forum holder do allow any threats to be posted without filtering it. Rules are just rules on using something, not a law to bend law.

2008-07-02 16:57:34 補充:
You do have all types of freedom given within the Law, however, when you are using somebody forum, the forum holder become the ruler for those who uses the forum.Unless the rules are trying get a higher status than Law, the rules then will not have any effect.

2008-07-02 16:58:18 補充:
Furthermore, if you feel the forum is unreasonable on deleting your post, you can complain to the forum holder (if they are reasonable to listen to you) or you have all the freedom to choose leaving the forum.

2008-07-02 16:59:28 補充:
Freedom of speech do include everywhere in Hong Kong, but in the internet, most of the time you are using someone else services,

2008-07-02 16:59:37 補充:
usually will be restricted and sometime will lead to a service provider resonsiblity on keeping the forum "clean" (depends deeply on service provider how he/she defines clean).

2008-07-02 16:59:56 補充:
Further, although you seems to have freedom of speech, it is still restricted by Laws of Hong Kong, as you had mentioned on trying to cover the name of person who gives comment on topic of medical service.

2008-07-02 17:00:12 補充:
You should talk with the forum holder that you did not breach any of the rule, if there are, ask him/her which one did you break, is it a reasonable rule to follow, if yes you should try to follow, if no you should consider another forum instead, etc.

2008-07-02 17:00:17 補充:
Otherwise the forum will seems to be a soverigen place instead of a place with freedom to write (and for sure you will hate the forum so much).
參考: Personal Opinion Only

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