中釋英 ! 唔該 !! 有 10 分

2008-07-02 6:38 am

回答 (6)

2008-07-02 7:40 am
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Travel equals to enjoy ! It is the best way to temporarily put down our daily routine workload and worries, and to enjoy life with whole heartedly mood.
In addition, travel can also widen our scope of vision for other countries such as a better understanding on the cultural background, social practice, religion and history, etc. This can enable us to surpass our existing understanding of the world and in turn we can reflectively examine ourselves with same manner. If an author trying to understand the culture and religion of India through an actual travel to the Southern Asia countries, then we can call it an actual travel.
參考: Myself
2008-07-03 12:40 am


To travel is in fact to enjoy. You can temporarily evade from your busy work and the problems and just to enjoy your life. Apart from that, you can also braoden your eyesight to know and to understand more about the other countries. To study the backgrounds, the cultures, the religions and the history of some other countries, not to confine in the concept of own but to have a self-reflection. Just like the author who has relied on visiting the countries in South East Asia so as to repeatedly understand the culture and religion in India , this is the real meaning of travelling.
2008-07-02 9:50 am
Travelling is enjoying yourself freely, putting aside your daily busy work and troubles for a while, and then enjoying your life to the full. But on top of that, travelling broadens our horizon, and enhances our knowledge and understanding of other countries. We then get to know more about these countries’ cultural background, customs, religion, history and the like. We get completely unrestricted by our previous beliefs, and we can take a fresh look at ourselves for a self-review, just like the author travelling across the South Eastern countries to have a brand new perception of the Indian culture and religion. What a real travel it is!!

2008-07-02 01:54:23 補充:

Travelling is enjoying OURSELVES freely, putting aside OUR daily busy work and troubles for a while, and then enjoying OUR life to the full.
2008-07-02 7:20 am
Traveling means to enjoy, put down all your busy jobs and vexation for
a moment, and to enjoy your life at unlimited space. Besides, traveling
can broaden our vision, learn more about the foreign countries, learn
more about the foreign countries' cultural background, cultures,
religlion, history and more. And don't limit yourself in your known
concept, reflect yourself again. If the writer had been to south Asia
countries, learn about India's culture and religlion once more, and this
is true traveling.

2008-07-01 23:22:55 補充:
I 釋 it myself. Little bit hard for a primary student......
2008-07-02 6:49 am
It is gone to enjoy, put down busy work and trouble on ordinary days temporarily, enjoy life heartily that travel is, but except so, travelling can widen one's own eyes, the understanding and understanding that more to other countries, know the culture background of the other countries, the custom, the religion, history,etc., no longer confine to the existing idea, also introspect to oneself again, for instance, the author, through going to the country of South Asia to travel, realize culture and religion of India again, this's the real travel.
2008-07-02 6:40 am
The travel is enjoys, lays down ordinary day the busy work and the worry temporarily, enjoys the life heartily, but except like this, the traveling may widen own judgment, has more understanding and the understanding to other countries, knew that other national the cultural context, the custom, the religion, history and so on, no longer limits in the existing ideas, also again makes the introspection to oneself, like the author through to the South Asian country travel, realized to India's culture and the religion, this is the true traveling
參考: babel fish

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