Changing school

2008-07-02 1:48 am
I want to change the following school. What is the criteria? How can I contact the school?
Wah Yan (Kowloon), La Salle College, Chan Su Kan La Salle College
P.S. I have already sent the e-mail to these school e-mail (provided in the school website) but they didn't have any reply.

回答 (2)

2008-07-06 12:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think you would like to change the following school, you are better to contact to these school registry to check whether they will accept new student or not in coming school year, i know WAH YAN Kowloon will prepare examination for any new application, so contact them direct to get the lastest information.
2010-01-21 4:51 am
曾蔭權 會考的故事

天主教學校(邪教 老婦 -和- 邪教 學生 --詭計製造宿命)
會考 落毒的故事 [華仁 邪教學院]

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