請問尖沙咀樂士佛台哪裏有扖吃、氣氛又夠好,而且有 live band ?

2008-07-02 1:31 am
請問尖沙咀樂士佛台哪裏有扖吃、氣氛又夠好,而且有 live band ?

回答 (1)

2008-07-02 3:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Most of the resturant have no live band but there is one Bar named LIVE BAND, the atmostsphere is very good, not too noisy and mostly foreigners.

Recommendation :
Island Seafood - mostly serving seafood
Papparazzi - Italian Food, serving steak too

Both are good in food and atmosphere, if you are looking for a resturant specially for Steak, then there is none in Knaughtsford Terrace.

More info : www.knutsfordterrace.com

2008-07-01 19:36:32 補充:
you can have dinner first then go to other Bar for drink.

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